



Similar to ApplyAction, but through a dialogue. Allows you to paste a subset of the fcurves found in an action onto a different frame range.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = PasteAction( Source, [Target], [CopyStart], [CopyEnd], [StartFrame], [EndFrame], [Ripple] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
Source String The Action to apply.

Default Value: Current Selection (first element)

Target String The target model to apply the Action to (if different than the model the source is associated with).

Default Value: Current Selection (second element)

CopyStart Double Start of the frame range we copy from the action.
CopyEnd Double End of the frame range we copy from the action.
StartFrame Double Frame to start pasting to.
EndFrame Double Frame to end pasting to. Keys within the Action's in/out time will be stretched to fit within the specified start/end region.
Ripple Boolean Whether to ripple when pasting keys.

Default Value: False