



Moves the position of a shape and its pin. This is the scripting equivalent of selecting the Select Shapes tool in the ColorCorrect property page shape, and then clicking and dragging a shape around the Fx Viewer.

Note: To move the center, or pin, of the shape, use the Move2DShapePin command instead.

Scripting Syntax

Move2DShape( [Shape], x, y );


Parameter Type Description
Shape String Parameter path name for the shape you are moving.

Default Value: Current selection.

Note: If the current selection is not a valid shape, an error occurs.

x Double Specifies the new position of the point in X.
y Double Specifies the new position of the point in Y.


VBScript Example


' This example demonstrates how to set a garbage matte mask for a 

' ColorCorrect operator in the FxTree and then move it to the top 

' right corner of the Fx Viewer.


' Create a new FxTree 

set oTree = CreateFxTree()

' Get the projects path for the current system

sPath = InstallationPath( siProjectPath )

set oClip = CreateImageClip( sPath & "\Pictures\noIcon.pic", "NewClip" )

' Use the clip to create a new image clip operator

set oOperator = AddImageClipFxOp( oTree, oClip )

' Add a Color Correct operator to the same tree

set oCCOp = AddFxOp( oTree, "Color Correct" )

' Connect the two operators

ConnectFxOp oOperator, oCCOp, "1" 

' Since the ConnectFxOp command does not return the new operator,

' you need to get it from the OperatorCollection on the FxTree object

for each oMember in oTree.FxOperators

	if oMember.Name = "ColorCorrect" then

		set oGBMatteOp = oMember

		exit for

	end if


' Adjust the HSV Offset and Gain levels so you can see the 

' results of the color correction

SetValue oGBMatteOp.FullName & ".MasterHueShift," _

		& oGBMatteOp.FullName & ".MasterOffset," _

		& oGBMatteOp.FullName & ".MasterGain", _

		Array(0, 0.820731514055631, 0.852844886888196)

' Add the 2D shape (mask shape) to the GarbageMatte and reshape it so you can see

' the shape when you open the Fx Viewer with the ColorCorrect operator selected

set oRotospline = Add2DShape( oGBMatteOp & ".GarbageShapes", "Bezier" )

Move2DShapePin oRotospline, 124.333333333333, 145.166666666667

aPointPositions = Array(56, 207, 196, 170, 179, 85, 132, 142, 108, 105, 75, 162)

Add2DShapePointArray oRotospline, aPointPositions

' Move the image to the top right corner of the Fx Viewer

Move2DShape oRotospline, 56, 44

See Also

Add2DShape Scale2DShape Move2DShapePin Set2DShapeRotation