



Launches the flipbook application using the parameters of the specified render pass or a framebuffer on a pass.

The pass, or the scene render options, if not overridden, should be set to use either a frame range or the timeline as a frame source. A frame set cannot be viewed in the flipbook. Warning: Before using this command, you must render the specified pass so that the image files are available on disk. The command fails otherwise.

Scripting Syntax

LaunchFlipbookForPass( InputObj );


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String The render passes or framebuffer property set to use (for example, "Passes.Default_Pass")


JScript Example


	This example demonstrates how to use this command in the script by first

	generating the image files via a render pass (required for this command)


// Set up a new scene with a cube

NewScene( null, false );

var obj = CreatePrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" );

SetValue( obj + ".cube.length", 4 );

// Add some animation

SetMarking( ".kine.local.sclx,.kine.local.scly,.kine.local.sclz" );

SaveKey( "", 1 );

Scale( null, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, siAbsolute, siPivot );

SaveKey( "", 2 );

Scale( null, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, siAbsolute, siPivot );

SaveKey( "", 3 );

// Set the Diffuse color to yellow (to see it)

MakeLocal( obj + ".Scene_Material", siDefaultPropagation );

SetValue( obj + "", 0.239 );

SetValue( obj + "", 0.897 );

SetValue( obj + "", 0.91 );

// Render the scene using the default pass (use only 3 

// frames to shorten the render time)

var cpass = Dictionary.GetObject( "Passes.Default_Pass" );

SetValue( cpass + ".FrameRangeSource", 0 );

SetValue( cpass + ".FrameEnd", 3 );

RenderPasses( cpass );

// Open the flipbook

LaunchFlipbookForPass( cpass );