



Heals boundaries between UV islands, getting rid of discontinuities in the UVs.

The heuristic used to determine the best alignment looks at the TargetBoundary parameter value (a set of sampled points on the boundary of a target UV island) and the SourceIslands parameter value (a set of sampled points on one or more other source UV islands) and then manipulates the boundaries together by performing translations, rotations and (optionally) scalings on the source UV islands.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = IslandHealUVW( TextureProjection, TargetBoundary, SourceIslands, [AllowScaling], [Interpolation] );

Return Value

Returns the new island heal operator.


Parameter Type Description
TextureProjection String The texture projection to be modified.
TargetBoundary String Cluster of sampled points on the target island to heal to. Only sampled points on the boundary are healed.
SourceIslands String Cluster of sampled points containing one or more sampled points from each source island to be healed to the target boundary.
AllowScaling Boolean If true, scaling is permitted when doing the transformation

Default Value: false

Interpolation Double Interpolate the transformation between the target and the source.

Default Value: 1

Possible Values:


0 The source island(s) is transformed to match the target island.
0 > [value] < 1 Interpolation weighting between the target and the source islands.
1 The target island is moved to match the source island(s).