



Imports a Crosswalk file (.xsi, .xsiml or Collada). This command replaces the deprecated ImportFTK.

Scripting Syntax

ImportCrosswalk( ppg, parent );


Parameter Type Description
ppg String The scripting name of the ImportCrosswalkOptions property that specifies the import options. You use the CreateImportCrosswalkOptions command to create this property.
parent String The model or object that will parent the imported items.


VBScript Example


' This example shows how to import/export a dotXSI file


NewScene , false

' Create something to export

CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface" 

' Create the export options property

set myEProp = CreateExportCrosswalkOptions( "Scene_Root", "MyExportCrosswalkOptions" )

' Specify the full path to the file you want to export

myEProp.Parameters("Filename").Value = "C:\\temp.xsi"

' Export the file

ExportCrosswalk myEProp.Name 

' Create the import options property

set myIProp = CreateImportCrosswalkOptions( "Scene_Root", "MyImportCrosswalkOptions" )

' Specify the full path to the file you want to import

myIProp.Parameters("Filename").Value = "C:\\temp.xsi"

' Import the file

ImportCrosswalk myIProp.Name 

' Expected results:

' INFO : 13 mSec - cumulative: 13 mSec

' INFO : Set version

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 24 mSec

' INFO : Converting scene info

' INFO : 6 mSec - cumulative: 32 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 41 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment animations

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 45 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clips

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 48 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clip animations

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 51 mSec

' INFO : Converting materials

' INFO : 22 mSec - cumulative: 75 mSec

' INFO : Converting material animations

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 84 mSec

' INFO : Filtering pass

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 87 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchy - first pass

' INFO : 105 mSec - cumulative: 195 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchy - second pass

' INFO : 3 mSec - cumulative: 201 mSec

' INFO : Plotting animations

' INFO : Plotting fcurves (1-3/3)

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 210 mSec

' INFO : Writing file

' INFO : Parser recognizes a dotXSI file

' INFO : 4 mSec - cumulative: 216 mSec

' INFO : Export completed

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 0 mSec

' INFO : Reading file

' INFO : Parser recognizes a dotXSI file

' INFO : 19 mSec - cumulative: 87 mSec

' INFO : Converting scene info

' INFO : 8 mSec - cumulative: 100 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment

' INFO : 5 mSec - cumulative: 111 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment animation

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 118 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clips

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 124 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clip animation

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 130 mSec

' INFO : Converting materials

' INFO : 140 mSec - cumulative: 276 mSec

' INFO : Converting material animation

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 282 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchies and primitives

' INFO : 294 mSec - cumulative: 582 mSec

' INFO : Resolving instances

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 589 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchy node data and animation

' INFO : 27 mSec - cumulative: 622 mSec

' INFO : Connecting Operators

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 629 mSec

' INFO : Applying hierarchy properties

' INFO : 5 mSec - cumulative: 640 mSec

' INFO : Post processing

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 647 mSec

' INFO : Optimize and Cleanup

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 659 mSec

' INFO : Import completed

See Also

ExportCrosswalk CreateExportCrosswalkOptions CreateImportCrosswalkOptions