



Returns the view pane ("A", "B", "C" or "D") under the mouse (or last view pane if mouse is not currently over the view manager).

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = GetViewportUnderMouse();

Return Value

The view pane ("A", "B", "C" or "D") as a string.


1. VBScript Example

' Get the viewport under the mouse

Application.LogMessage "The view pane with the focus is " & GetViewportUnderMouse

' Logged message will be similar to this:

'INFO : The view pane with the focus is B

2. JScript Example

// Get the type of view embedded in the viewport under the mouse

var oVM = Application.Desktop.ActiveLayout.Views.Find( "View Manager" );

var oView = oVM.Views( GetViewportUnderMouse() );

Application.LogMessage( oView.FullName + ", " + oView.Type );

// Logged message will be similar to this:

//INFO : B, Explorer

See Also

GetFocusedViewport SetFocusedViewport