

v9.0 SP1 (2011)


Queries the Face Robot speech operator for the list of phonemes and weights at a given time, as evaluated by its blend algorithm. At a given time there generally is the current phoneme, as shown in the lipsync view, but also some of the previous and the next one. With its different parameters, the speech operator could evaluate a different blend for the lips, jaw and tongue.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = GetPhonemeBlendFromSpeechClip( SpeechClip, [Channel], [Time] );

Return Value

Returns a multi-dimentional array of results. Each column will contain

1) The Unicode IPA code of the phoneme. Value zero is the rest pose

2) A human-readable hint of phoneme, useful for debugging

3) The weight of the viseme at this time

4) The viseme variation selected by the user


Parameter Type Description
SpeechClip String The Speech Clip from the animation mixer
Channel Integer 0 for Lips, 1 for Jaw, 2 for Tongue

Default Value: 1

Time Integer Frame at which to evaluate the blend

Default Value: Current frame.


VBScript Example

phonemes = GetPhonemeBlendFromSpeechClip ("Face.Mixer.Phoneme_Speech.SpeechAction_Clip")

LogMessage "phoneme blend"

for i = 0 to UBound( phonemes )

	LogMessage "IPA # " & phonemes(i, 0) & "(" & phonemes(i, 1) & ")" & " Weight " & phonemes(i, 2 )


See Also

SIExtractPhonemes GetPhonemesFromSpeechClip