



Creates a new point cloud that is generated with the specified ICETree (terminal node) defined by an ICE compound that has an execute output port. This compound can also have picking strings assigned to some of its input ports. In that case, a pick session is started to select scene elements to be connected to their ports. Unlike ICE templates, this compound is not exploded at creation time. ICE trees and templates can be applied on a single object or in branch.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = GeneratePointCloudWithICETerminal( File, Inputs, [ConnectType] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
File String ICECompoundNode
Inputs String Specifies the input objects connected to the ICE tree. This can be a list of comma-separated names.

Default Value: A picking session is launched for each port that has a picking string defined.

ConnectType siBranchFlag Specifies the type of connection.

Default Value: siUnspecified

See Also

ApplyICEOp ApplyICETemplate GeneratePointCloudWithICETemplate