

Deletes the current pass.

Scripting Syntax

DeleteCurrentPass( [InputObj] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String Pass to delete.

Default Value: "Passes.Current"


VBScript Example


'	This example demonstrates how to delete the current pass. 


' Create a new scene 

NewScene , false

' Create a few dummy passes to play with

CreatePass , "Sneezy"

CreatePass , "Grumpy"

CreatePass , "Wimpy"

' Which one is the current pass and what type of object is it?

Set oPass = GetCurrentPass 

Application.LogMessage oPass.Name & " (a " & TypeName( oPass ) & ") is the current pass."

' Now delete it and print out the current pass info again


Set oPass = GetCurrentPass 

Application.LogMessage oPass.Name & " (a " & TypeName( oPass ) & ") is now the current pass."

' Output of above script:

'INFO : "Wimpy (a Pass) is the current pass."


'INFO : "Default_Pass (a Pass) is now the current pass."

See Also

DeleteObj DeleteCurrentLayer GetCurrentPass SetCurrentPass