

Creates a subprojection on an existing UV property. Use this command to reproject portions of an object. Portions of the object not included in the input object list will not be affected.

Subprojections simplify the texturing process by allowing you to apply a planar, spherical, or cylindrical projection to a selection of sample points in an existing texture projection. The sample points are reprojected onto the current texture, leaving you with a single set of UV coordinates to manage.

You could use this command to texture a human body. For example, if the body already has a planar projection on it, you could perform a cylindrical subprojection on the arm. The UVs on the rest of the object will be unchanged.

Note: This command uses output arguments. C# and some scripting languages (such as JScript, PerlScript and Python) don't support arguments passed by reference so you need to use the best workaround for your situation:

For scripting languages this command returns an ISIVTCollection which you can use to get the output arguments.

For C# you can use the XSIApplication.ExecuteCommand method to call this command. ExecuteCommand packs the output arguments into a C# System.Object containing an Array of the output arguments (see Calling Commands from C#).

Scripting Syntax

CreateSubprojection( InputObjs, TextureProjection, [Type], [Plane], [SupportName], [Parenting], [Fitting], [FitToImage], [MaintainAspect], [TextureAspectRatio], [3DObjTexture] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects to which the texture support is applied.

Default Value: Selected objects

TextureProjection String Texture projection to modify.
Type siTxtProjType Projection type

Default Value: siTxtPlanar

Plane siTxtProjPlane Projection plane

Default Value: siPlaneXY

SupportName String Name for the texture support object.

Default Value: Texture_Support

Parenting Boolean True to parent the texture support to the objects.

Default Value: True

Fitting siTxtProjFitMethod Fitting Method

Default Value: siRelBestFit

FitToImage Boolean If true, modify the uvs after projecting to fit the image.

Default Value: False

MaintainAspect Boolean If true, correct for aspect ratio distortion caused by the projection and/or the image aspect ratio.

Default Value: False

TextureAspectRatio Double The aspect ratio (x resolution/y resolution) of the image for which the UVs are being used. If specified (see MaintainAspect), the command performs a scaling to compensate for the aspect ratio.

Default Value: 1.0

3DObjTexture X3DObject Returns the new texture projection.

Default Value: False


VBScript Example

CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"

SetValue "sphere.polymsh.geom.subdivu,sphere.polymsh.geom.subdivv", Array(16,16)

ApplyShader , , , , siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap

SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint "Image", "sphere.Material.Phong.diffuse"

CreateProjection "sphere", siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "Texture_Support", "Texture_Projection"

SetInstanceDataValue , "sphere.Material.Phong.Image.tspace_id", "Texture_Projection"

SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"


SelectGeometryComponents "sphere.poly[57,58,73,74]"

CreateSubprojection "sphere.sample[221-228,283-290]", "sphere.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", siTxtPlanar, siPlaneXY, , True, siRelBestFit

See Also

CreateProjection FitSubcomponentUVsToImage