



Creates a compound clip (as a ClipContainer object) from a set of Clip objects.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CreateCompound( Model, [InputObj], [Compound], [Track], [Time], [Name] );

Return Value

Returns the compound clip as a ClipContainer object.


Parameter Type Description
Model String The model to which to add the new compound clip.
InputObj String List of clips to put in the compound clip.

Default Value: Current selection

Compound String The compound container (track owner) to which to add the new compound clip. If left empty, the command tries to find the right place to nest the new compound.
Track String The track to which to add the new compound clip. If left empty, a new track will be created to hold the new clip.
Time Double Frame at which to add the compound.

Default Value: Current frame.

Name String The name to use for the new clip.


VBScript Example


' This example sets up two action clips for a sphere (one on the

' X-position and one on the Y-position), stores the actions, and

' then creates a compound clip using those stored clips.


' Set up the scene 

Set oRoot = ActiveSceneRoot

Set oSphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface", "MySphere" )

' Setting key frames on XPos and YPos at various frames

SaveKey oSphere.posx, 1, -9.0

SaveKey oSphere.posx, 10, 3.0

SaveKey oSphere.posx, 30,-3.0

SaveKey oSphere.posx, 40, 9.0

SaveKey oSphere.posy, 1, -2.0

SaveKey oSphere.posy, 30, 2.0

' Store fcurve into source Actions

Set oAct1 = StoreAction( oSphere, oSphere.posx, 2, _

	"PlotXPosAction", True, 1, 40, True, False )

Set oAct2 = StoreAction( oSphere, oSphere.posy, 2, _

	"PlotYPosAction", True, 1, 30, True, False )

' Add an action clip with the 2 source action in tracks

Set oClip1 = AddClip( oRoot, oAct1, , , 1 )

Set oClip2 = AddClip( oRoot, oAct2, , , 1 )

' Create a new compound action clip using the two action clips

CreateCompound oRoot, oClip1 & "," & oClip2, "Mixer", , 0, "Compound Clip"