



Clears the color (if any) from each parameter in the specified list.

Scripting Syntax

ClearParameterColor( [InputObjs] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of parameters on which to clear the color

Default Value: Currently selected and marked parameters.


JScript Example

// This example demonstrates how to use the ClearParameterColor command by creating

// a simple null, adding a custom parameter and then setting the color of that

// custom parameter and then clearing it.


// STEP 1: Run the following script:

NewScene(null, false);

GetPrim("Null", null, null);

SIAddCustomParameter("null", "purple_param", siDouble, 0, 0, 1, null, 5, 0, 1, null, null);

SetParameterColor("null.CustomPSet.purple_param", 16711830);


// STEP 2: View that parameter color by opening the SceneExplorer (make sure that

// the option 'Use Wire Colors' is on) and expanding the CustomPSet node.


// STEP 3: To clear the parameter color, paste this line (uncommented) 

//         in the Script Editor and run it:


// ClearParameterColor("null.CustomPSet.purple_param");

See Also
