

v8.0 (2010)


Preserves the existing keywords and adds the new keyword to the end of the list. If the object already has the specified keyword set, nothing happens.

To completely replace the existing keywords with new keyword(s), use the SetUserKeyword command instead.

Scripting Syntax

AddUserKeyword( [InputObjs], Keywords );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs SelectionList or Selection

Default Value: If not specified, the current selection is used.

Keywords String


Python Example


# This example demonstrates how to set, get, and add user keywords


def BuildSampleScene() :

	app = Application

	app.NewScene("", False)

	oNulls = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" )


	while i<20 :

		oNulls.Add( app.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull() )

		i = i + 1

	# Now store some user keywords on the newly created nulls.

	# Some nulls have several keywords applied

	for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] :

		app.SetUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "important" )

	for i in [0,1,2,3,4] :		

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "alpha" )

	for i in [15,16,17,18,19] :		

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "beta" )

	for i in [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14] :

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "placeholder" )

	for i in [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] :		

		app.AddUserKeyword( oNulls(i), "useless" )

	# Remove keywords from one of the nulls	

	app.ClearUserKeyword( oNulls(12)  )

# GetUserKeyword returns a collection of strings.

# This function turns that collection into a comma separated

# string suitable for printing out.

def GetKeywordsAsString( in_obj ) :

	oKeywords = Application.GetUserKeyword( in_obj )		

	return ",".join( oKeywords )

# Find all X3DObjects with a certain keyword


# User keywords can be stored on almost 

# any Softimage object, but in this case we only search

# X3DObjects

def FindObjectsWithKeyword( in_keyword ) :

	app = Application

	# Set keywords to lowercase

	strSearchKeyword = in_keyword.lower()

	oReturnCollection = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" )

	oAllX3DObjects = app.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChildren()

	for oX3DObject in oAllX3DObjects :

		oKeywords = app.GetUserKeyword( oX3DObject )

		for sKey in oKeywords:		

			if sKey == strSearchKeyword :

				# Found object with this keyword

				oReturnCollection.Add( oX3DObject )


	return oReturnCollection


# Display X3DObjects that include the keyword "Useless"

oUselessNulls = FindObjectsWithKeyword( "Useless" )

for oUseless in oUselessNulls :

	Application.LogMessage( oUseless.Name + " has keywords: " + GetKeywordsAsString( oUseless ) )

# Expected results:

# INFO : null10 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null11 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null13 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null14 has keywords: placeholder,useless

# INFO : null15 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null16 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null17 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null18 has keywords: beta,useless

# INFO : null19 has keywords: beta,useless

See Also

AddUserTab RemoveUserTab ClearUserTab GetUserTab SetUserTab RemoveUserKeyword ClearUserKeyword GetUserKeyword SetUserKeyword