



Adds a new unconnected pass input FxOperator to the FxTree object. This can be used to automatically create a 'file input' FxOperator based on the image files of a rendered pass.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = AddPassInputFxOp( [FxTree], [RenderPass], [Framebuffer] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
FxTree String or FxTree Object pointer or Object name for FxTree.

Default Value: Current selection.

Note: If the current selection is not a valid FxTree, an error occurs.

RenderPass String or Pass Object pointer or Object name for pass to be associated with the new operator.

Default Value: Current selection.

Note: If the current selection is not a valid render pass, an error occurs.

Framebuffer String Name of the framebuffer to get the files from, or, if empty, all the framebuffers on the pass.

Default Value: Empty


VBScript Example

' This example creates an FxTree, adds and connects the LowPassFilter and 

' HighPassFilter operators to it, and then disconnects them

set oTree = CreateFxTree()

set oPass = GetValue("Passes.Default_Pass")

' Add the new image clip operator and print out some info

set oOperator = AddPassInputFxOp( oTree, oPass )

Application.LogMessage "New operator is called '" _

				& oOperator.Name & "' operator." 

' Output of above script is:

'INFO : "New operator is called 'Default' operator."