



Adds a light list or object list to shaders.

Scripting Syntax

AddObjectsToShader( [InputObjs], [Target] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects to add to the shader.

Default Value: Current selection. If there is no current selection, the user is prompted to pick the objects.

Target String List of shader properties (lights, difflights, or objs).

Default Value: Current selection


VBScript Example


' This example creates a spotlight with a realistic light emission 

' by adding a spotlight to the scene, applying a volume shader to the 

' default pass, and then connecting it to the spotlight. 


NewScene , false

' Get a spot light

GetPrimLight "Spot", "Center_Stage", , , oSpotObj

' Apply a light shader and get an object pointer to it (the returned

' value is an XSICollection containing the shader as its only member)

Set oRetValue = SIApplyShader( "Fast_light_effects.Preset", oSpotObj )

Set oLightShader = oRetValue(0)

' Add a volume shader on the default pass and save its fullname

Set oDefPass = GetValue( "Passes.Default_Pass" )

sVolShader = SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint( "Fast_volume_effects.Preset", _

		oDefPass & ".VolumeShaderStack", , false )

sLightCnxPnt = sVolShader & ".Lights"

' Render a single frame of the default pass just to see the spotlight

' before connecting it to the volume shader

RenderPasses oDefPass, 1, 1

' Now add the Spot to the Volume shader light list

AddObjectsToShader oSpotObj, sLightCnxPnt

' Render a single frame of the default pass just to see the spotlight

' after connecting it to the volume shader

RenderPasses oDefPass, 1, 1

See Also

RemoveObjectsFromShader ApplyShader RemoveShaderFromCnxPoint RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint