



Creates a marker for an animation clip. Markers let you highlight and annotate frames in clips, such as marking a start frame and end frame on a clip to set up a transition. You can create markers on any type of Clip (for example, action, shape or audio).

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = AddMarker( Model, Container, [Time], [Duration], [Name] );

Return Value

Returns the marker as a CollectionItemLegacy object.


Parameter Type Description
Model String The model to add the marker to.
Container String The container on which to create the marker. Could be a compound, a track, a clip...
Time Double Frame at which to add the marker.

Default Value: Current frame.

Duration Double Duration of the marker.

Default Value: Default value is 0 (a single-frame marker).

Name String Name of the new marker.


VBScript Example


' This example creates an Action containing expressions.

' It then instantiates the source onto the mixer, and creates

' a series of markers on the clip -- one for each "zero-crossing"

' the object makes in the Y-axis.


NewScene , false

' Set up a suitable timeline for the example.

startFrame = 1

endFrame = 200

SetValue "PlayControl.In", startFrame

SetValue "PlayControl.Out", endFrame

' Create the object for our example.

set oSphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

' Animate it to oscillate and speed up over time.

AddExpr oSphere & ".kine.local.posx", "-10 + T * 3"

AddExpr oSphere & ".kine.local.posy", "5 * cos( exp( T * 0.5 ) * 75 )"

' Make an Action out of this animation.

posParams = "/kine.local.posx,kine.local.posy,kine.local.posz"

set oSource = StoreAction( , oSphere & posParams, 3, "Wavy", True, 1, 200 )

' Instantiate the Action onto the mixer, starting at frame 1.

set oClip = AddClip( "Scene_Root", oSource, , , 1 )

' Now, let's find every time the sphere crosses zero in

' the Y-axis, and put markers on the clip at those times.

oldY = GetValue( oSphere & ".kine.local.posy", startFrame )

for i = startFrame to endFrame

	curY = GetValue( oSphere & ".kine.local.posy", i )

	if ( oldY <= 0 AND curY >= 0 ) OR _

		( oldY >= 0 AND curY <= 0 ) then

		AddMarker "Scene_Root", oClip, i

	end if

	oldY = curY
