

string expression としてコレクションを戻します。このメソッドは、コレクションの内容を、文字列表現としてしかオブジェクトのリストを受け付けないコマンドに渡す必要がある場合に、特に役立ちます。

スクリプト 構文

oString = XSICollection.GetAsText();



VBScript の例

Dim oColl             ' object pointer for collection
Dim oItem               ' object pointer for member
' Create a collection as an ActiveX object
Set oColl = CreateObject("XSI.Collection")
' Populate it
oColl.Add "Camera"
oColl.Add "Light"
' See what kind of object it is
LogMessage "The whole collection is a " & TypeName( oColl )
' See what kind of return value GetAsText returns
LogMessage oColl.GetAsText & " is a " & TypeName( oColl.GetAsText )
' You can also return a single item as an object pointer
Set oItem = oColl.Item(0)
LogMessage oItem & " is a " & TypeName( oItem )
' Output of above script:
'INFO : "The whole collection is a Object"
'INFO : "Camera,light is a String"
'INFO : "Camera is a Camera"


XSICollection.Item XSICollection.SetAsText