oArray = PolygonMesh.GetPolygonIndexArray( PointLocators, [Indices] ); |
パラメータ | タイプ | 詳細 |
PointLocators | PointLocatorData | ポイントロケータは記述されます。 |
Indices | 1DArray | 記述するポイントロケータのインデックス(無指定の場合はすべてのポイントロケータが対象となります)。 |
// // This example topologically describes the point locators resulting // from the shrink-wrapping of a cube onto a mesh sphere. // NewScene(); var root = Application.ActiveSceneRoot; var CubePositionArray = root.AddGeometry("Cube", "MeshSurface").ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.PositionArray; var MeshSphereGeom = root.AddGeometry("Sphere", "MeshSurface").ActivePrimitive.Geometry; var CubeOnSpherePointLocators = MeshSphereGeom.GetClosestLocations(CubePositionArray); var PtLocIndices = new Array(1); for(i = 0; i < CubeOnSpherePointLocators.Count; i++) { PtLocIndices[0] = i; var PtLocPolygon = MeshSphereGeom.GetPolygonIndexArray( CubeOnSpherePointLocators, PtLocIndices).toArray(); var PtLocSubTriNodes = MeshSphereGeom.GetTriangleNodeIndexArray( CubeOnSpherePointLocators, PtLocIndices).toArray(); var PtLocSubTriVertices = MeshSphereGeom.GetTriangleVertexIndexArray( CubeOnSpherePointLocators, PtLocIndices).toArray(); var PtLocBaryCoords = MeshSphereGeom.GetTriangleWeightArray( CubeOnSpherePointLocators, PtLocIndices).toArray(); Application.LogMessage("Point locator " + i + " is on polygon " + PtLocPolygon[0] + ","); Application.LogMessage("on a subtriangle described by nodes (" + PtLocSubTriNodes[0] + ", " + PtLocSubTriNodes[1] + ", " + PtLocSubTriNodes[2] + ")" + " or by vertices (" + PtLocSubTriVertices[0] + ", " + PtLocSubTriVertices[1] + ", " + PtLocSubTriVertices[2] + ")"); Application.LogMessage("and having barycentric coordinates (" + PtLocBaryCoords[0] + ", " + PtLocBaryCoords[1] + ", " + PtLocBaryCoords[2] + ")"); Application.LogMessage(""); } // Expected results: //INFO : Point locator 0 is on polygon 58, //INFO : on a subtriangle described by nodes (217, 219, 220) or by vertices (52, 4, 53) //INFO : and having barycentric coordinates (0.6173165440559387, 0, 0.3826834559440613) //INFO : //INFO : Point locator 1 is on polygon 42, //INFO : on a subtriangle described by nodes (157, 159, 160) or by vertices (38, 46, 39) //INFO : and having barycentric coordinates (0.6173165440559387, 0, 0.3826834559440613) //INFO : //INFO : Point locator 2 is on polygon 61, //INFO : on a subtriangle described by nodes (229, 231, 232) or by vertices (55, 7, 56) //INFO : and having barycentric coordinates (0.3826834261417389, 0, 0.6173166036605835) //etc. |
PointLocatorData Geometry Geometry.GetClosestLocations Geometry.GetClosestLocationsWithinRadius Geometry.GetRaycastIntersections Geometry.SetupPointLocatorQueries Geometry.GetSurfacePointLocatorsFromPoints Geometry.EvaluatePositions Geometry.EvaluateNormals Geometry.EvaluateClusterProperty PolygonMesh.GetTriangleVertexIndexArray PolygonMesh.GetTriangleNodeIndexArray PolygonMesh.GetTriangleWeightArray PolygonMesh.ConstructPointLocators NurbsSurfaceMesh.GetSubSurfaceIndexArray NurbsSurfaceMesh.GetNormalizedUVArray NurbsSurfaceMesh.ConstructPointLocators