
Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:ICENodePort





v 7.0




ICENodePort は、ICENodeInputPortICENodeOutputPortなどのICENodeポートの基本クラスです。ICENodePort は、ICENode の接続ポイントであり、他の ICENodePort オブジェクトに接続されます。ICENodePort は、何かに接続することもできますし、接続せずにおくこともできます。ポートは、Softimage オペレータのPortに似たグループで配列されます。ここでは、グループは複数のポート接続で理論的にグループ化されます。


IsClassOfオペレータ IsEqualToオペレータ    


Application Categories ConnectedNodes ConnectedPorts
ContextType CustomDataTypes DataType FullNameオペレータ
GroupIndex GroupInstanceIndex Help Index
IsConnected IsOutput Nameオペレータ NestedObjects
Origin OriginPath Parameters Parent
StructureType Typeオペレータ    

Python の例

# This example shows how to access the ports of ICENode objects
import win32com.client
from win32com.client import constants
xsi = Application
# ICENodePort introspection
def LogICENodePort( in_nodeport, level ):
        indent = level * '.'
        xsi.LogMessage( "* * * " )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node port: " + in_nodeport.FullName )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node port parent: " + in_nodeport.Parent.FullName )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node port class: " + xsi.ClassName( in_nodeport ) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "output node port: " + str(in_nodeport.IsOutput) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "connected: " + str(in_nodeport.IsConnected) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "group port index: " + str(in_nodeport.Index) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "group index: " + str(in_nodeport.GroupIndex) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "group instance index: " + str(in_nodeport.GroupInstanceIndex) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "type: " + str(in_nodeport.DataType) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "structure type: " + str(in_nodeport.StructureType) )
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "evaluation context type: " + str(in_nodeport.ContextType) )
        connectednodes = in_nodeport.ConnectedNodes
        count = connectednodes.Count
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "connected nodes: " + str(count) )     
        for i in range(count):
                xsi.LogMessage( indent + "connected node: " + connectednodes[i].Name )
        # Log the port parameters
        params = in_nodeport.Parameters
        for param in params:
                xsi.LogMessage( indent + "parameter: " + param.ScriptName + ":" + str(param.GetValue2()) )
# Recursive function for traversing a node graph
def TraverseNodeGraph( in_node, level ):
        indent = level * '.'
        # Log the visited node name
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + in_node.Name )
        # Log all ICENodePorts for this node
        inPorts = in_node.InputPorts
        inputPortCount = inPorts.Count
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node input ports: " + str(inputPortCount) )
        for i in range(inputPortCount ):
                nodeport = inPorts[i]
                LogICENodePort( nodeport, level+2 )                     
        outPorts = in_node.OutputPorts
        outputPortCount = outPorts.Count
        xsi.LogMessage( indent + "node output ports: " + str(outputPortCount) )
        for i in range(outputPortCount ):
                nodeport = outPorts[i]
                LogICENodePort( nodeport, level+2 )                     
        nodeCount = 0
        nodes = ()
        if in_node.IsClassOf( constants.siICENodeContainerID ): 
                # The input node might be a ICETree or ICECompoundNode, let's get their ICENodes
                nodes = in_node.Nodes
                nodeCount = nodes.Count
        # Recursively traverse the graph
        for i in range(nodeCount):
                TraverseNodeGraph( nodes[i], level+2 )
# Create a sample twist deformer graph first
xsi.CreatePrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 15 )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 14 )
xsi.ApplyOp( "ICETree", "cube", None, None, None, 0 )
xsi.AddICENode( "GetDataNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.Reference", "cube.polymsh.PointPosition" )
xsi.AddICENode( "RotateVectorNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.AddICENode( "3DVectorToScalarNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.AddICENode( "SetData", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData.PredefinedAttributeName", "PointPosition" )
xsi.AddAttributeToSetDataICENode( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData", "PointPosition", constants.siComponentDataTypeVector3, constants.siComponentDataContextComponent0D, constants.siComponentDataStructureSingle )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.port1", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData.set" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.RotateVectorNode.vector", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.value" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SetData.pointposition", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.RotateVectorNode.result" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.3DVectorToScalarNode.vector", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.value" )
xsi.AddICENode( "MultiplyNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode.value1", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.3DVectorToScalarNode.y" )
xsi.AddICENode( "ScalarToRotationNode", "cube.polymsh.ICETree" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.angle", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode.result" )
xsi.ConnectICENodes( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.RotateVectorNode.rotation", "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.rotation" )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.y", 1 )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode.x", 0 )
xsi.SetValue( "cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode.value2", 20 )
xsi.CreateICECompoundNode("cube.polymsh.ICETree.3DVectorToScalarNode,cube.polymsh.ICETree.MultiplyNode,cube.polymsh.ICETree.ScalarToRotationNode", "")
# Get the ICETree off the cube primitive and start iterating in the graph
cube = xsi.Selection(0)
cubeICETree = cube.ActivePrimitive.ICETrees[0]
level = 0
TraverseNodeGraph( cubeICETree, level )