

F カーブキーの値をVariantとして設定したり、戻したりします。F カーブ キー値は、次のように戻されます。

- 標準 F カーブ: Double (VT_R8)

- ロー F カーブ: Double (VT_R8)

- 整数 F カーブ: LONG (VT_I4)


注: キー値を設定する場合、値は FCurve.LowClamp および FCurve.HighClamp 値で定義した範囲内に制限されます。

1. JScript の例

        This example illustrates how to set the key value on a specific key. It also
        provides a demonstration of an alternative way to set an fcurve, by using the
        SaveKey command instead of Parameter.AddFCurveKey (as demonstrated in FCurveKey.Value)
// Create scene with a null with an animated local.posx 
NewScene( null, false );
var n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull();
SaveKey( "null.kine.local.posx", 1, 5.0 );
// Get the fcurve from the local.posx
var posx = n.posx;
var fc = posx.Source;
// Get the first key in the fcurve
var fckey = fc.Keys(0);
// Increment the value of the key by 1
Application.LogMessage( "Before modification: " + fckey.Value );
fckey.Value++;                                          // == fckey.Value = fckey.Value + 1;
Application.LogMessage( "After modification: " + fckey.Value );
// Expected results:
//INFO : Before modification: 5
//INFO : After modification: 6

2. VBScript の例

' This example illustrates how to set the key value on a specific key. It also
' provides a demonstration of an alternative way to set an fcurve, by using the
' SaveKey command instead of Parameter.AddFCurveKey (as demonstrated in FCurveKey.Value)
' Create scene with a null with an animated local.posx 
NewScene , false
set n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
SaveKey "null.kine.local.posx", 1, 5.0 
' Get the fcurve from the local.posx
set posx = n.posx
set fc = posx.Source
' Get the first key in the fcurve
set fckey = fc.Keys(0)
' Increment the value of the key by 1
Application.LogMessage "Before modification: " & fckey.Value 
fckey.Value = fckey.Value + 1
Application.LogMessage "After modification: " & fckey.Value 
' Expected results:
'INFO : Before modification: 5
'INFO : After modification: 6

3. Python の例

# This example illustrates how to set the key value on a specific key. It also
# provides a demonstration of an alternative way to set an fcurve, by using the
# SaveKey command instead of Parameter.AddFCurveKey (as demonstrated in FCurveKey.Value)
# Create scene with a null with an animated local.posx 
Application.NewScene( "", 0 )
n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
Application.SaveKey( "null.kine.local.posx", 1, 5.0 )
# Get the fcurve from the local.posx
posx = n.posx
fc = posx.Source
# Get the first key in the fcurve
fckey = fc.Keys(0)
# Increment the value of the key by 1
Application.LogMessage( "Before modification: " + str(fckey.Value) )
fckey.Value = fckey.Value + 1
Application.LogMessage( "After modification: " + str(fckey.Value) ) 
# Expected results:
#INFO : Before modification: 5.0
#INFO : After modification: 6.0