

F カーブセグメントの右側の補間タイプを(siFCurveKeyInterpolation列挙型の値の 1 つとして)設定したり、戻したりします。

F カーブセグメント補間は、標準F カーブ(タイプが siStandardFCurve のもの)にのみ適用されます。他のすべての F カーブタイプでは、siConstantKeyInterpolation 値が戻されます。

siDefaultInterpolation値を使用してキー補間を設定しようとした場合、その操作は無視され、C++でS_FALSE が戻されます。

詳細については、Softimage ユーザ ガイドの「F カーブの補間および外挿」を参照してください。

1. JScript の例

        This example illustrates how to set interpolation for individual keys 
NewScene( null, false );
var n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull();
SIAddCustomParameter( "null", "X", siDouble, 0, 0, 100, null, 5, 0, 5 );
var cpset = Dictionary.GetObject( "null.CustomPSet" );
var x = cpset.Parameters("X");
Application.LogMessage( "x value = " + x.Value  );
Application.LogMessage( "x min/max = " + x.Min + ", " + x.Max );
// Add a standard fcurve with 5 keys
var fc = x.AddFCurve2( new Array( 1,0.52, 25.5,5, 50,0.45, 75,10.23, 100,0.76 ), siStandardFCurve );
// Set the interpolation for the individual keys
var k; var i = 0;
// Set constant interpolation
k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " interpolation before = " + k.Interpolation );
k.Interpolation = siConstantKeyInterpolation;
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " interpolation after = " + k.Interpolation );
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " left = " + k.Left + " right = " + k.Right );
// Set cubic interpolation
k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " interpolation before = " + k.Interpolation );
k.Interpolation = siCubicKeyInterpolation;
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " interpolation after = " + k.Interpolation );
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " left = " + k.Left + " right = " + k.Right );
// Set linear interpolation
k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " interpolation before = " + k.Interpolation );
k.Interpolation = siLinearKeyInterpolation;
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " interpolation after = " + k.Interpolation );
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key " + i + " left = " + k.Left + " right = " + k.Right );
// Expected results:
//INFO : x value = 0
//INFO : x min/max = 0, 100
//INFO : fcurve key 0 interpolation before = 3
//INFO : fcurve key 0 interpolation after = 1
//INFO : fcurve key 0 left = 0.52 right = 0.52
//INFO : fcurve key 1 interpolation before = 3
//INFO : fcurve key 1 interpolation after = 3
//INFO : fcurve key 1 left = 5 right = 5
//INFO : fcurve key 2 interpolation before = 3
//INFO : fcurve key 2 interpolation after = 2
//INFO : fcurve key 2 left = 0.45 right = 0.45

2. VBScript の例

' This example illustrates how to set interpolation for individual keys 
NewScene , false 
set n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
SIAddCustomParameter "null", "X", siDouble, 0, 0, 100, , 5, 0, 5 
set cpset = Dictionary.GetObject( "null.CustomPSet" )
set x = cpset.Parameters("X")
Application.LogMessage "x value = " & x.Value  
Application.LogMessage "x min/max = " & x.Min & ", " & x.Max 
' Add a standard fcurve with 5 keys
set fc = x.AddFCurve2( array( 1,0.52, 25.5,5, 50,0.45, 75,10.23, 100,0.76 ), siStandardFCurve )
' Set the interpolation for the individual keys
dim k, i
' Set constant interpolation
i = 0
set k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " interpolation before = " & k.Interpolation 
k.Interpolation = siConstantKeyInterpolation
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " interpolation after = " & k.Interpolation 
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " left = " & k.Left & " right = " & k.Right 
i = i + 1
' Set cubic interpolation
set k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " interpolation before = " & k.Interpolation 
k.Interpolation = siCubicKeyInterpolation
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " interpolation after = " & k.Interpolation 
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " left = " & k.Left & " right = " & k.Right 
i = i + 1
' Set linear interpolation
set k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " interpolation before = " & k.Interpolation 
k.Interpolation = siLinearKeyInterpolation
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " interpolation after = " & k.Interpolation 
Application.LogMessage "fcurve key " & i & " left = " & k.Left & " right = " & k.Right 
i = i + 1
' Expected results:
'INFO : x value = 0
'INFO : x min/max = 0, 100
'INFO : fcurve key 0 interpolation before = 3
'INFO : fcurve key 0 interpolation after = 1
'INFO : fcurve key 0 left = 0.52 right = 0.52
'INFO : fcurve key 1 interpolation before = 3
'INFO : fcurve key 1 interpolation after = 3
'INFO : fcurve key 1 left = 5 right = 5
'INFO : fcurve key 2 interpolation before = 3
'INFO : fcurve key 2 interpolation after = 2
'INFO : fcurve key 2 left = 0.45 right = 0.45

3. Python の例

# This example illustrates how to set interpolation for individual keys 
from win32com.client import constants as c
Application.NewScene( "", 0 )
n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
Application.SIAddCustomParameter( "null", "X", c.siDouble, 0, 0, 100, None, 5, 0, 5 )
cpset = Application.Dictionary.GetObject( "null.CustomPSet" )
x = cpset.Parameters("X")
Application.LogMessage( "x value = %d" % (x.Value) )
Application.LogMessage( "x min/max = %d, %d" % (x.Min,x.Max) )
# Add a standard fcurve with 5 keys
fc = x.AddFCurve2( [ 1,0.52, 25.5,5, 50,0.45, 75,10.23, 100,0.76 ], c.siStandardFCurve )
# Set constant interpolation for key 0
i = 0
k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d interpolation before = %d" % (i,k.Interpolation) )
k.Interpolation = c.siConstantKeyInterpolation
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d interpolation after = %d" % (i,k.Interpolation) )
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d left = %d right = %d" % (i,k.Left,k.Right) )
i = i + 1
# Set cubic interpolation for key 1
k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d interpolation before = %d" % (i,k.Interpolation) )
k.Interpolation = c.siCubicKeyInterpolation
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d interpolation after = %d" % (i,k.Interpolation) )
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d left = %d right = %d" % (i,k.Left,k.Right) )
i = i + 1
# Set linear interpolation for key 2
k = fc.Keys(i)
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d interpolation before = %d" % (i,k.Interpolation) )
k.Interpolation = c.siLinearKeyInterpolation
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d interpolation after = %d" % (i,k.Interpolation) )
Application.LogMessage( "fcurve key %d left = %d right = %d" % (i,k.Left,k.Right) )
i = i + 1
# Expected results:
#INFO : x value = 0
#INFO : x min/max = 0, 100
#INFO : fcurve key 0 interpolation before = 3
#INFO : fcurve key 0 interpolation after = 1
#INFO : fcurve key 0 left = 0 right = 0
#INFO : fcurve key 1 interpolation before = 3
#INFO : fcurve key 1 interpolation after = 3
#INFO : fcurve key 1 left = 5 right = 5
#INFO : fcurve key 2 interpolation before = 3
#INFO : fcurve key 2 interpolation after = 2
#INFO : fcurve key 2 left = 0 right = 0