

指定されたF カーブキーのコンストレイントが設定されているかどうかを示すBoolean値を設定したり、戻したりします。siFCurveKeyConstraint値はタイプLongです(指定可能な値のリストについてはsiFCurveKeyConstraintを参照)。

警告:Python では、このプロパティの取得および設定はサポートされていません。Python で特定のコンストレイントを設定する場合は、fcrvkey.SetConstraint( c.siLockConstraint, true )メソッド構文に"Set"プリフィックスを使用します。この操作については、以下の Python の例で説明します。特定のコンストレイントを取得する場合は、代わりに Python互換メソッドFCurveKey.GetConstraint2を使用します。


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
Constraint siFCurveKeyConstraint 設定するか戻すF カーブキーコンストレイントのタイプ複数の値を同時に追加し、一度に複数のコンストレイントを指定できます。

たとえば、すべてのパラメータをロックして、左タンジェントと右タンジェントの長さを揃えるには、siParameterConstraint と siSameLengthTangentConstraint を使用します。

1. JScript の例

        This example illustrates how to create an fcurve with keys and then how to set a 
        constraint on one of the keys. 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions and Setup
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function GetConsList(fckey,setchk)
        var dicConstraintTypes = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.Dictionary" );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "LockParameter",                siParameterConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "LeftRightParameter",           siLeftRightValuesConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "G1Continuous",                 siG1ContinuousConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "LeftRightTangentDirection",    siLeftRightTangentDirectionConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "LeftRightTangentLength",       siLeftRightTangentLengthConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "LockAll",                      siLockConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "HorizontalTangent",            siHorizontalTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "ExtremumHorizontalTangent",    siExtremumHorizontalTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "AdjustedTangent",              siAdjustedTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "ZeroLengthTangent",            siZeroLengthTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "SameLengthTangent",            siSameLengthTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "NeighborTangent",                      siNeighborTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "MirrorTangent",                        siMirrorTangentConstraint );
        dicConstraintTypes.Add( "AutoPlateauTangent",           siAutoPlateauTangentConstraint );
        var strlist = "";
        var vbKeys = dicConstraintTypes.Keys();         // the Dictionary.Keys method returns a safearray
        var jsKeys = vbKeys.toArray();                  // that you can convert with the toArray() method
        for ( var k=0; k<jsKeys.length; k++ ) {
                if ( setchk == fckey.Constraint( dicConstraintTypes.Item(jsKeys[k]) ) ) {
                        strlist += jsKeys[k] + " ";
        return strlist;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create new scene
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NewScene( null, false );
// Create a null
var n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
// Add a custompvar to the null
var cpset = n.AddProperty( "Custom_parameter_list", false, "CustomPSet" );
// Add a double parameter to cpset
var x = cpset.AddParameter3( "X", siDouble, 0, -100, 100, 1 );
// Create a fcurve on posx
var fc = x.AddFCurve2( new Array(1,0.5), siStandardFCurve );
var fckey = fc.Keys(0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the siLockConstraint ( time, value & tangents are locked )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the Constraint property 
fckey.Constraint( siLockConstraint ) = 1;
if ( fckey.Constraint(siLockConstraint) ) {
        Application.LogMessage( "fckey(" + fckey.Index + ") lock all constraints: true" );
} else {
        Application.LogMessage( "fckey(" + fckey.Index + ") lock all constraints: false" );
Application.LogMessage( "fckey(" + fckey.Index + ") constraints set: " + GetConsList(fckey,true) );
Application.LogMessage( "fckey(" + fckey.Index + ") constraints NOT set: " + GetConsList(fckey,false) );
// If you try and change the key value when the lock constraint is on it raises 
// an 'Access Denied' error.
try {
        fckey.Value = 5;
} catch(e) {
        if ( e.number ) {
                Application.LogMessage( "fckey(" + fckey.Index + ") set value failed: " + e.description );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expected results::
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//INFO : fckey(0) lock all constraints: true
//INFO : fckey(0) constraints set: LockParameter LeftRightParameter G1Continuous LeftRightTangentDirection LeftRightTangentLength LockAll AutoPlateauTangent
//INFO : fckey(0) constraints NOT set: HorizontalTangent ExtremumHorizontalTangent AdjustedTangent ZeroLengthTangent SameLengthTangent NeighborTangent MirrorTangent
//INFO : 2009 - fckey(0) set value failed: Access denied

2. VBScript の例

' This example illustrates how to create an fcurve with keys and then how to set a constraint 
' on one of the keys. 
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Functions and Setup
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function GetConsList(fckey,setchk)
        set dicConstraintTypes = CreateObject( "Scripting.Dictionary" )
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "LockParameter",                 siParameterConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "LeftRightParameter",            siLeftRightValuesConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "G1Continuous",                  siG1ContinuousConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "LeftRightTangentDirection",     siLeftRightTangentDirectionConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "LeftRightTangentLength",        siLeftRightTangentLengthConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "LockAll",                       siLockConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "HorizontalTangent",             siHorizontalTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "ExtremumHorizontalTangent",     siExtremumHorizontalTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "AdjustedTangent",               siAdjustedTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "ZeroLengthTangent",             siZeroLengthTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "SameLengthTangent",             siSameLengthTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "NeighborTangent",               siNeighborTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "MirrorTangent",                 siMirrorTangentConstraint
        dicConstraintTypes.Add "AutoPlateauTangent",    siAutoPlateauTangentConstraint
        strlist = ""
        dkeys = dicConstraintTypes.Keys()
        for each k in dkeys
                if setchk = fckey.Constraint(dicConstraintTypes.Item(k)) then
                        strlist = strlist & k + " " 
                end if
        GetConsList = strlist
end function
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Create new scene
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NewScene , 0
' Create a null
set n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
' Add a custompset to the null
set cpset = n.AddProperty( "Custom_parameter_list", , "CustomPSet" )
' Add a double parameter to cpset
set x = cpset.AddParameter3( "X", siDouble, 0, -100, 100, 1 )
' Create a fcurve on posx
set fc = x.AddFCurve2( array(1,0.5), siStandardFCurve )
set fckey = fc.Keys(0)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Set the siLockConstraint ( time, value & tangents are locked )
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Set the Constraint property 
fckey.Constraint( siLockConstraint ) = 1
if fckey.Constraint( siLockConstraint ) then
        Application.LogMessage "fckey(" & fckey.Index & ") lock all constraints: true" 
        Application.LogMessage "fckey(" & fckey.Index & ") lock all constraints: false" 
end if
Application.LogMessage "fckey(" & fckey.Index & ") constraints set: " & GetConsList(fckey,true)
Application.LogMessage "fckey(" & fckey.Index & ") constraints NOT set: " & GetConsList(fckey,false)
' If you try and change the key value when the lock constraint is on it raises 
' an 'Access Denied' error.
on error resume next
fckey.Value = 5
if Err.Number then
        Application.LogMessage "fckey(" & fckey.Index & ") set value failed: " & Err.Description
end if
on error goto 0
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Expected results::
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'INFO : fckey(0) lock all constraints: true
'INFO : fckey(0) constraints set: LockParameter LeftRightParameter G1Continuous LeftRightTangentDirection LeftRightTangentLength LockAll AutoPlateauTangent
'INFO : fckey(0) constraints NOT set: HorizontalTangent ExtremumHorizontalTangent AdjustedTangent ZeroLengthTangent SameLengthTangent NeighborTangent MirrorTangent
'INFO : 2009 - fckey(0) set value failed: Access denied

3. Python の例

# This example illustrates how to create an fcurve with keys and then how to set a constraint 
# on one of the keys. 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions and Setup
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the Softimage constants from win32com.client and error handling from pythoncom
from win32com.client import constants as c
from pythoncom import com_error as e
constrainttypes = [ \
        (c.siParameterConstraint,                       "LockParameter"),\
        (c.siLeftRightValuesConstraint,         "LeftRightParameter"),\
        (c.siG1ContinuousConstraint,                    "G1Continuous"),\
        (c.siLeftRightTangentDirectionConstraint,       "LeftRightTangentDirection"),\
        (c.siLeftRightTangentLengthConstraint,          "LeftRightTangentLength"),\
        (c.siLockConstraint,                            "LockAll"),\
        (c.siHorizontalTangentConstraint,               "HorizontalTangent"),\
        (c.siExtremumHorizontalTangentConstraint,       "ExtremumHorizontalTangent"),\
        (c.siAdjustedTangentConstraint,                 "AdjustedTangent"),\
        (c.siZeroLengthTangentConstraint,               "ZeroLengthTangent"),\
        (c.siSameLengthTangentConstraint,               "SameLengthTangent"),\
        (c.siNeighborTangentConstraint,                 "NeighborTangent"),\
        (c.siMirrorTangentConstraint,                   "MirrorTangent"),\
        (c.siAutoPlateauTangentConstraint,              "AutoPlateauTangent") ]
def GetConsList(fckey,setchk):
        strlist = ""
        for ( c, strc ) in constrainttypes :
                if fckey.Constraint(c) == setchk:
                        strlist += strc 
                        strlist += " " 
        return strlist
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create new scene
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Application.NewScene("", 0)
# Create a null
null = Application.GetPrim("Null", "", "", "")
# Add a custompset to the null
cpset = null.AddProperty("Custom_parameter_list",0,"CustomPSet")
# Add a double parameter to cpset
x = cpset.AddParameter3( "X", c.siDouble, 0, -100, 100, 1 )
# Create a fcurve on posx
fc = x.AddFCurve2( [ 1, 0.5 ], c.siStandardFCurve )
fckey = fc.Keys(0)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the siLockConstraint ( time, value & tangents are locked )
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notice how you have to use 'SetConstraint' for the Constraint property when setting
if fckey.Constraint(c.siLockConstraint) :
        Application.LogMessage( 'fckey(%d) lock all constraints: true' % (fckey.Index) )
else :
        Application.LogMessage( 'fckey(%d) lock all constraints: false' % (fckey.Index) )
Application.LogMessage( 'fckey(%d) constraints set: %s' % (fckey.Index,GetConsList(fckey,1)))
Application.LogMessage( 'fckey(%d) constraints NOT set: %s' % (fckey.Index,GetConsList(fckey,0)))
# If you try and change the key value when the lock constraint is on it raises 
# an 'Access Denied' error.
        fckey.Value = 5
except e, (hr, msg, exc, arg):
        if exc and exc[2]: msg = exc[2]
        Application.LogMessage( 'fckey(%d) set value failed: %s' % (fckey.Index,msg))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Expected results::
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#INFO : fckey(0) lock all constraints: true
#INFO : fckey(0) constraints set: LockParameter LeftRightParameter G1Continuous LeftRightTangentDirection LeftRightTangentLength LockAll AutoPlateauTangent
#INFO : fckey(0) constraints NOT set: HorizontalTangent ExtremumHorizontalTangent AdjustedTangent ZeroLengthTangent SameLengthTangent NeighborTangent MirrorTangent
#INFO : 2009 - fckey(0) set value failed: Access denied

