GetRequirements Callback Reference
    RTSHADER_API bool (*RTS_Shader3_GetRequirements)
        IRTSExecutionState  *in_pExecState,
        void                *in_pParams,
        XSI_RTS_Primitive   *in_pGeom,
        void                **io_pShaderInstanceData,
        ULONG               in_lRequirement,
        ULONG               *out_pRequirementValue

Use this callback to set whether any of the requirements listed in the eXSI_RTS_RequirementType enum are required or not by returning true or false in the out_pRequirementValue parameter.

in_pExecState The execution state interface
in_pParams The shader property page parameters
in_pGeom The geometry information
Return values:
io_pShaderInstanceData Pointer to the shader's instance user data
in_lRequirement The requirement identifier
Return values:
out_pRequirementValue The returned requirement value
See also:
IRTSExecutionState, Realtime Shader Callbacks, cus_rtshad_ExecutionFlow Execution Flow