Execute Callback Reference
    RTSHADER_API bool (*RTS_Shader3_Execute)
        IRTSExecutionState          *in_pExecState,
        void                        *in_pParams,
        XSI_RTS_Primitive           *in_pPrimitive,
        void                        *in_pAttributes,
        XSI_RTS_Attribute_Size      *in_pAttributesSize,
        void                        **io_pShaderInstanceData

Once the shader has responded to GetAttributeList with its list of attributes, Softimage will module the values for these attributes and will pass them to the Execute function along with an array describing each attribute's size and format. Note that if an attribute was not found or was not defined on the mesh or point cloud, Softimage will pass a null pointer.

This callback is mandatory
in_pExecState The execution state interface
in_pParams The shader property page parameters
in_pPrimitive The geometry information
in_pAttributes The Softimage RTS Attribute data
in_pAttributesSize The sizes of the attributes
io_pShaderInstanceData Pointer to This shader instance user data
This example builds on the one on the GetAttributeList page. Here's what the Execute function might look like for the example shader described:
    RTSHADER_API bool MyShader_Execute
        IRTSExecutionState      *in_pExecState,
        void                    *in_pParams,
        XSI_RTS_Primitive       *in_pPrimitive,
        void                    *in_pAttributes,
        eXSI_Attribute_Size     *in_pAttributesSize,
        void                    **io_pInstanceData
        ShaderPPG* options = (ShaderPPG*)in_pParams;

        if (options->useColor)
            float* pfPositions  = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[0];
            float* pfNormals    = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[1];
            float* pfColors0    = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[2];
            float* pfColors1    = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[3];
            float* pfFoobars    = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[4];
        } else {
            float* pfPositions  = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[0];
            float* pfNormals    = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[1];
            float* pfFoobars    = ((float**)in_pAttributes)[2];

See also:
IRTSExecutionState, Realtime Shader Callbacks, cus_rtshad_GeometryData Geometry Data , cus_rtshad_ExecutionFlow Execution Flow