





oReturn = StoreEnvironmentCacheToMixer( EnvironmentCache, [Name], [AddClip] );




パラメータ タイプ 詳細
EnvironmentCache ActionSource 使用するキャッシュを指定します。 環境を指定しないと、現在の環境が使用されます。 現在の環境がない場合には、何も実行されません。
Name 文字列 新しいアクションの名前
AddClip ブール 新規アクションを保存した後に、アクションをクリップとしてミキサに適用する場合は True です。

デフォルト値: False

VBScript の例

' Create a simple simulation of two spheres falling on a grid
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"
SetValue "sphere.sphere.radius", 1
Translate , -3, 7, 0, siAbsolute, siView, siObj, siXYZ, True, "Views.ViewC.FrontCamera", siXY, , , , , , , 0
Duplicate "sphere", , 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, , , , , , , , , , , 0
Translate , -2, 12, 0, siAbsolute, siView, siObj, siXYZ, True, "Views.ViewC.FrontCamera", siXY, , , , , , , 0
CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"
SetValue "grid.grid.ulength", 50
SetValue "grid.grid.vlength", 50
' Set the spheres as active rigid bodies and set their collision
' type to bounding sphere
CreateActiveRigidBody "sphere1,sphere"
SetValue "sphere1.RigidBodyProp.colltype,sphere.RigidBodyProp.colltype", Array(1, 1)
' Set the grid as a passive rigid body
CreatePassiveRigidBody "grid"
' Add gravity
CreateForce "Gravity"
' Turn on caching in the environment time control
SetValue "Environments.Environment.simtimectrl.caching", True
' Go to the last frame so that the simulation computes and stores
' into the cache
' Copy the cache to the mixer. We pass true as the addclip parameter.
' This means that a clip will also be added in the mixer on a new
' track. Also, having this parameter set to true will mute the 
' simulation so that the mixer animation doesn't feedback back into the 
' simulation.
set oEnvironment = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.ActiveSimulationEnvironment
StoreEnvironmentCacheToMixer oEnvironment.Caches(0), "SimulationRun", True
' Now if you playback. What you will see is the animation played
' from by mixer. You can mute the mixer track, reactivate the
' simulation, tweak some simulation parameters and store another
' cache into the mixer. Once you have a series of such actions,
' review them and chose the one that you prefer.