選択対象に応じて一時リファレンス プレーンを作成し、アクティブなリファレンス プレーンに設定します。 一時リファレンス プレーンは変換リファレンス プレーンに保存されます。
SetTransientReferencePlane( [InputObjs] ); |
' ' This example shows how to set the transient reference plane: refplanes.transform ' NewScene CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface" Rotate , 45, 0, 0, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siX CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface" SelectObj "grid", , True 'Set transient reference plane SetTransientReferencePlane "grid" ' Make sure that plane mode is selected (alt+6) in the SRT panel section. SelectObj "sphere", , True SetUserPref "3D_TRANSFO_REFERENTIAL_CHANGED", 7 ' Interactively translate the sphere it will move parallel 'to the plane defined by the grid. 'NOTE: Please make sure that plane reference mode in MCP is ON 'when moving the sphere... Sometimes it snaps back to view mode. |