アニメーション デフォーメーション
入力ShapeKeyを指定されたシェイプグループに割り当てます。 シェイプ
1 つのシェイプ キーは、1 つのシェイプ グループのみに含むことができます。
SetShapeGroup( InputObj, Name ); |
/* This example illustrates how to switch shape groups on a shape key. */ NewScene( null, false ); CreatePrim("Cone", "MeshSurface", null, null); ActivateVertexSelTool(null); ActivateVertexSelTool(null); SelectGeometryComponents("cone.pnt[1]"); Translate(null, -4.77865299554318, 0, 0, siRelative, siGlobal, siObj, siXYZ, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1); StoreShapeKey("cone.pnt[1]", "", siShapeLocalReferenceMode, 1, 0, 0, siShapeContentPrimaryShape, false); SelectFilter("object"); Translate(null, 9.36145955684278, 0, 0, siRelative, siGlobal, siObj, siXYZ, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 1); StoreShapeKey("cone.polymsh.cls.Shape", "", siShapeLocalReferenceMode, 1, 0, 0, siShapeContentPrimaryShape, false); SelectObj("cone", null, true); var oShapeCluster = Selection(0).ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters(0); var oShapeKey0 = oShapeCluster.Properties("ShapeKey"); var oShapeKey1 = oShapeCluster.Properties("ShapeKey1"); // Logs the default shape group LogMessage(oShapeKey0.ShapeGroupName); LogMessage(oShapeKey1.ShapeGroupName); // Changing the shape group of the first shape key SetShapeGroup(oShapeKey0, "MyShapeGroup"); // Logs "MyShapeGroup" for the first key and the default for the second. LogMessage(oShapeKey0.ShapeGroupName); LogMessage(oShapeKey1.ShapeGroupName); |