





ローカルなフレキシブル エンベロープのポイントを再割り当てします。


oReturn = SILocalAssignFlexEnv( [SubComp], [ConnectionSet], [Interactive], [NbDeformersPerPoint] );




パラメータ タイプ 詳細
SubComp 文字列 再割り当てされるポイントのリスト

デフォルト値: 現在選択されている値

ConnectionSet ConnectionSet エンベロープとボーンを指定します。 このオペレータに必要な接続セットについては、OpPreset を参照してください。

デフォルト値:現在選択されているオブジェクトをメイン グループとして使用

警告: 接続セットが無効だと、エラーが発生します。 スクリプトの中断を防ぐため、このオペレータに必要な接続セットを確認してください。

Interactive ブール True を設定すると、オブジェクトを選択するようユーザに要求します。

デフォルト値: False

NbDeformersPerPoint Integer 割り当て時に各ポイントに影響を及ぼすデフォーマの最大数

デフォルト値: 2

VBScript の例

'This example creates an envelope on "BodyMan" model, with less bones
'than usual (2 nulls for the body, 1 bone per arm).
'The default envelope assignment doesn't give a correct separation
'between the arms and the body, so we will use LocalAssignFlexEnv,
'SISmoothEnvWght and SymEnvWeight in order to modify the weight assignment.
GetPresetModel "Man", "Man"
'Create basic skeletons: 2 for the arms, plus 2 nulls for the body
Create2DSkeleton -1.9, 17.0, 0, -5.15, 17.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4
Set Null0 = GetPrim("Null")
Translate Null0, 0, 15.049359948647, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
Set Null1 = GetPrim("Null")
Translate Null1, 0, 3.76822515334527, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
DuplicateSymmetry "B:root", True, False, 1, 0, 0, 0, True
ApplyFlexEnv "Man.Man;root1,bone1,eff1,root,bone,eff,null,null1", False
'We want the head and the center of the body to be only assigned
'to the 2 Nulls, so let's do it using SILocalAssignFlexEnv
'(in non-interactive mode)
SILocalAssignFlexEnv "Man.Man.pnt[0,2-23,25,26,28-30,34-99,101,103-109,"_
& "113,116-120,122,124-143,145-203,212-220,222-227,229-250,252-279,"_
& "281-284,286-295,297-299,302,304-307,310-315,317,319,321,322,324,"_
& "326-329,332-350,353-359,361,362,365,366,368-379,381,383,385,387,"_
& "389,391,393,395-414,625,629-694,696,698-704,708,711-715,717,719-738,"_
& "740-778,787-795,797-802,804-825,827-854,856-859,861-870,872-874,877,"_
& "879-882,885-890,892,894,896,897,899,901-904,907-925,928-934,936,937,"_
& "940,941,943-954,956,958,960,962,964,966,968,970-989]",_
"Man.Man;null,null1", False, 2
Rotate "bone", 0, 0, 58.5, siRelative, siAdd, siObj, siXYZ
Translate Null1, 0, 2, 4.0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
'Because of the local reassignment, we can see that the shoulder's weight
'assignation is no longer smooth. Let's smooth it using SISmoothEnvWght.
'We increase the smoothing depth for better results.
Set SmoothOp = SISmoothEnvWght( , "Man.Man.pnt[0,2-23,25,26,28-30,34-99,"_
& "101,103-109,113,116-120,122,124-143,145-183,186-189,197-203,215,217-219,"_
& "221,228,229,251,259,271,280,285,287,289,290,292,294,296,298,300,301,303,"_
& "307-309,316,318,320,322,323,325,330,331,333,338,341,345,349,351,352,360,"_
& "363,364,366,367,369,371,402-406,409-432,434,436,439-446,625,629-694,696,"_
& "698-700,702,703,708,711-715,717,719-738,740-778,793,804,834,864,865,867,"_
& "873,897,908,913,924,941,944,977,980,981,985,986,989]")
SetValue SmoothOp & ".neighborhooddepth", 3
Rotate "bone1", 0, 0, 59.625, siRelative, siAdd, siObj, siXYZ
'The same problem occurs on the right shoulder. Since we have corrected the
'left shoulder, let's simply mirror the weights from left to right in order
'to propagate the changes symmetrically.
Set SymTemplate = CreateSymmetryMappingTemplate("Man.Man", True, 0, True)
SymEnvWeight , "Man.Man.pnt[0-32,34-101,103-113,115-219,221-224,226-230,"_
& "233-236,239-262,264-266,268-275,277-285,287-318,320-326,328-354,356-390,"_
& "392-400,402-621]", SymTemplate

