





コンテナ(シェーダまたはマテリアル)からテクスチャ レイヤのリストを削除します。 コンテナが指定されない場合は、全コンテナからレイヤをまとめて削除します。


RemoveTextureLayers( [InputObjs], [Container] );


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
InputObjs 文字列 コンテナから削除されるレイヤのリスト

デフォルト値: 現在選択されている値

Container 文字列またはオブジェクト 削除するレイヤを含むコンテナ(コンテナにレイヤが存在する場合)。 無指定の場合は、レイヤが見つかったすべてのコンテナからレイヤが削除されます。

VBScript の例

' This example creates two shaders in a simple render tree, and applies
' texture layers to them.  Then it removes some of the layers, illustrating
' the RemoveTextureLayers command.
' In particular, it builds the following stacks of layers.
' Phong      Fractal
'   A           A
'   B           B
'   C           C
option explicit
dim oSph, oPhong, oFractal, oLyr(2)
' Build our shaders (a Phong and a Fractal), which will be the "texture
' layer containers" that will each be able to hold a stack of layers.
NewScene , False
set oSph = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
set oPhong = SIApplyShader( "Phong", oSph )
set oFractal = BlendInPresetsInsp( "Fractal", , , True, siReplaceNoBlend, False, False, True )
' Now create and add all the layers, as indicated above.
' Add 'A', 'B' and 'C' to both containers at the end.
set oLyr(0) = AddTextureLayer( , oPhong & "," & oFractal, "A", True )
set oLyr(1) = AddTextureLayer( , oPhong & "," & oFractal, "B", True )
set oLyr(2) = AddTextureLayer( , oPhong & "," & oFractal, "C", True )
' Now start removing.  First we'll remove layer 'A' from just one
' of the containers.
RemoveTextureLayers oLyr(0), oPhong(0)
' Now we'll remove layer 'B' from all containers which hold it.
RemoveTextureLayers oLyr(1)
PrintTextureLayersInContainer oPhong
PrintTextureLayersInContainer oFractal
sub PrintTextureLayersInContainer( in_cont )
        dim oStack, oItem, oStr
        oStr = "Texture Layers in Container: " & in_cont & vbCrLf
        set oStack = EnumElements( in_cont & ".TextureLayers" )
        for each oItem in oStack
                oStr = oStr & "    " & & vbCrLf
        logmessage oStr
end sub
' The output from the example should look something like this:
'INFO : Texture Layers in Container: sphere.Material.Phong
'    C
'INFO : Texture Layers in Container: sphere.Material.Phong.Fractal
'    A
'    C


AddTextureLayer MoveTextureLayers AddTextureLayerPorts Shader.RemoveTextureLayer Material.RemoveTextureLayer