



1 つまたは複数のオブジェクトから、指定のコンストレイント タイプのコンストレイントをすべて削除します。このとき、オブジェクト上に存在する別のタイプのコンストレイントには影響を与えません。

ヒント: 名前で指定してコンストレイントを削除する場合は、RemoveCns コマンドを使用します。


RemoveCnsType( Type, [ConstrainedObj] );


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
タイプ 文字列 削除するコンストレイントの種類。
ConstrainedObj 文字列 コンストレイント オブジェクトのリスト

デフォルト値: 選択されたオブジェクト

VBScript の例

' This example creates a little planetary scene and applies 2 constraints
' from the planet to the ring: a Position and a Scaling constraint. Then
' it removes only the Scaling constraint by using the RemoveCnsType command
' and verifies this by printing out a list of constraints on each object
' before and after removing the constraints.
' Create a sphere that will serve as the constraining object 
set oPlanet = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface", "Planet" )
' Create a ring to be constrained by the planet and scale it
set oRing = CreatePrim( "Disc", "NurbsSurface", "Ring" )
Scale , 2.3, 1, 2.3, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siXYZ
' Apply a Position constraint between the ring and the planet. Notice that 
' you have to pass the name of the object instead of its object variable with
' this command because the command changes that variable to a different type
ApplyCns "Position", oRing.Name, oPlanet.Name, true
' Now apply a Scaling constraint between the ring and the planet
ApplyCns "Scaling", oRing.Name, oPlanet.Name, true
' Check to see which constraints are currently set 
getCnsInfo oPlanet
getCnsInfo oRing
' Remove only the Scaling constraint of the ring, 
' (the Position constraint is kept automatically)
RemoveCnsType "Scaling", oRing
' Check to see which constraints remain
getCnsInfo oPlanet
getCnsInfo oRing
' Display the constraint relationship in all the default views and
' the default camera view. This is the equivalent of turning on 
' "Relation" and "Relation Info" in the view visibility options.
SetValue "Views.*.*.camvis.*constraint*", True 
SetValue "Camera.camvis.*constraint*", True
' This function just saves us time and typing
function getCnsInfo( in_constrained_obj )
        set oFoundCns = in_constrained_obj.Kinematics.Constraints
        if oFoundCns.Count > 0 then
                LogMessage "Found the following constraints on the " & in_constrained_obj & ":"
                for each c in oFoundCns
                        LogMessage vbTab & c.Name
                LogMessage "No constraints found on " & in_constrained_obj
        end if
end function
' Output of the above script:
' ...before removing constraint:
'INFO : "No constraints found on Planet"
'INFO : "Found the following constraints on the Ring:"
'INFO : "       Position Cns"
'INFO : "       ScalingCns"
' ...after removing constraint:
'INFO : "No constraints found on Planet"
'INFO : "Found the following constraints on the Ring:"
'INFO : "       Position Cns"


RemoveAllCns SIApplyCns SIApplyConstraint