選択したポリゴンの形状に合うよう UVW を伸長させます。
oReturn = RelaxUVW( TextureProjection, SubComp ); |
パラメータ | タイプ | 詳細 |
TextureProjection | 文字列 | リラックスしたいポリゴンのテクスチャ プロジェクション |
SubComp | 文字列 | リラックスするポリゴンまたはタグ付きポリゴンのクラスタ |
' This example demonstrate how to create a contour stretching ' projection for an object and then applies a RelaxUVW to it. NewScene , false SetDisplayMode "Camera", "textured" ' Create the object and a texture projection CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface" GenerateUVSetByContourStretching "grid.poly[4,5,11,12,19,20,26,27,34,35,43,44,51,52,58,59]", "Texture_Projection", 0, False, "grid.pnt[4,6,74,76]" ' Connect an image shader to the diffuse port of the Phong SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint "Image", "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse" SetInstanceDataValue , "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Phong.Image.tspace_id", "Texture_Projection" ' Apply the RelaxUVW with boundary anchor set to true RelaxUVW "grid.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection", "grid.sample[*]" SetValue "grid.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection.Relaxuvw.BoundaryAnchor", True |