選択ユーザ インタフェース
注: このコマンドは、出力引数を使用します。 C#
スクリプト言語の場合、このコマンドは出力引数を取得するために使用できる ISIVTCollection を戻します。
C# の場合は、XSIApplication.ExecuteCommand
メソッドを使用してこのコマンドを呼び出すことができます。 ExecuteCommand は、出力引数を C# の
System.Object (出力引数の配列を含む)にパック化します(詳細については、「C#
PickElement( SelFilter, LeftMessage, MiddleMessage, [PickedElement], [ButtonPressed], SelRegionMode, [ModifierPressed] ); |
パラメータ | タイプ | 詳細 | ||||||||||||||
SelFilter | FilterConstant | 選択するエレメントのタイプを指定する選択フィルタ。
デフォルト値: siGenericObjectFilter |
LeftMessage | 文字列 | マウスの左ボタンのステータス バー メッセージ | ||||||||||||||
MiddleMessage | 文字列 | マウスの中央ボタンのステータス バー メッセージ | ||||||||||||||
PickedElement | CollectionItem | ユーザが選択したエレメントを戻します。 | ||||||||||||||
ButtonPressed | Long | ユーザがクリックしたマウス ボタンを戻します。
SelRegionMode | Long | 実行する選択の種類
デフォルト値: 0
ModifierPressed | Long | ユーザが押した修飾キーを戻します。
/* This example illustrates how to set up a pick session to pick only polygons. */ NewScene( null, false ); CreatePrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" ); var rtn = PickElement( "polygon", "Select polygons", "Select polygons", polygons, button, 0 ) logmessage( "Picked Element:" + rtn.Value("PickedElement") + " Button:" + rtn.Value("ButtonPressed") + " Modifier:" + rtn.Value("ModifierPressed") ); var element = rtn.Value( "PickedElement" ); var button = rtn.Value( "ButtonPressed" ); var modifier = rtn.Value( "ModifierPressed" ); if ( button != 0 ) { var polygons = element.SubComponent.Parent3DObject.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Facets; var polygonIndices = element.SubComponent.ElementArray.toArray(); for ( var i=0; i<polygonIndices.length; i++ ) { var currpolygon = polygons( polygonIndices[i] ); logmessage( currpolygon + " is at index " + currpolygon.Index ); } } // Result is something like this (varies as to what gets picked): // INFO : Picked Element:cube.poly[0,4] Button:1 Modifier:0 // INFO : PolygonFace is at index 0 // INFO : PolygonFace is at index 4 // |
' The following example uses PickElement to pick an object of a given type ' (eg: mesh) then another of another given type (eg: nurbs) to finally ' parent one to the other dim parent, child, button, modifier CreatePrim "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" Translate , -4.80504207251944, 6.3879907927616, -0.63879907927616, _ siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ CreatePrim "Cone", "MeshSurface" PickElement "surface_mesh", "Select parent nurbs object", _ "Select parent nurbs object", parent, button,, modifier if button <> 0 then PickElement "polygon_mesh", "Select child mesh object", _ "Select child mesh object", child, button if button <> 0 then if modifier = 0 then ParentObj parent, child else ParentObj child, parent end if end if end if 'The nurbs should now be parent of the mesh (or vice-versa for MMB) |
/* The following example uses PickElement to pick subcomponents on a geometry */ CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" ); SetSelFilter("Vertex"); var rtn = PickElement( "point", "Select points", "Select points" ); var button = rtn.Value( "ButtonPressed" ); var points = rtn.Value("PickedElement"); if ( button != 0 ) { CreateCluster( points ); } // A cluster of points should now exist in the sphere. |
' ' The following example uses PickElement to select a property of a 3D object ' dim parent, child, button CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface" set AProperty = PickElement( "property", "Select a property", _ "Select a property", property, button ) if button <> 0 then SelectObj property end if ' A property of the sphere should now be selected. |
# # This example demonstrates how to get values from the # output arguments of PickElement. # from win32com.client import constants as c xsi = Application xsi.NewScene( Application.ActiveProject, 0 ) root = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot # Set up some models to pick oMdl = root.AddModel() oMdl.Name = "Parent1" oMdl = root.AddModel() oMdl.Name = "Parent2" oMdl1 = oMdl.AddModel() oMdl1.Name = "Child" oPicked = xsi.PickElement( c.siModelFilter, 'Pick model', 'Pick model' ) xsi.LogMessage( "# of values returned: " + str(oPicked.Count) ) # You can access the output arguments by index (returned sorted # alphabetically according to parameter name)... xsi.LogMessage( "Button pressed: " + str(oPicked(0)) ) xsi.LogMessage( "Picked element: " + str(oPicked(2)) ) # ... or access them by name xsi.LogMessage( "Modifier pressed: " + str(oPicked.Value("ModifierPressed")) ) # Expected result for picking Parent2 with the MMB while # holding down alt+shift (# of values will always be 3): #INFO : # of values returned: 3 #INFO : Button pressed: 2 #INFO : Picked element: Parent2 #INFO : Modifier pressed: 3 |