





PasteAllAnimation( InputObjs, [UsePosition] );


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
InputObjs オブジェクト名または Pset (任意の選択可能なもの) アニメーションをペーストしたいオブジェクト(または Pset)
UsePosition ブール TRUE を設定すると、ターゲットのアニメート可能パラメータの順序で、アニメーション ソースがコピーされます。

デフォルト値: 0

VBScript の例

' Animate a path-constrained null. Then, copy and paste this 
' animation onto another (unanimated) path-constrained null.
dim oCircle1,oCircle2,oColl
dim oNull1,oNull2
' Create two ellipses and put them side by side.
set oCircle1 = CreatePrim("Circle", "NurbsCurve")
Rotate oCircle1, 90, 0, 0, siRelative, siAdd, siObj, siXYZ
Scale oCircle1, 1, 0.25, 1, siRelative, siLocal, siObj, siXYZ
'Make a duplicate copy of the circle.
set oColl = Duplicate(oCircle1, 1 , _
                                 siDuplicateHistory, _
                                 siSharedParent, _
                                 siShareGrouping, _
                                 siDuplicateProperties, _
                                 siDuplicateAnimation, _
                                 siShareConstraints, _ 
                                 siSetSelection, _
'Get the duplicated circle
set oCircle2 = oColl(0)
'Separate the circles
Translate oCircle1 , 0, 0, -2, siAbsolute, siView, siObj, siXYZ
Translate oCircle2 , 0, 0, 2, siAbsolute, siView, siObj, siXYZ
' ApplyPath will path-constrain the null to the circle and animate it
' to travel the entire length of the curve. Copy this animation.
set oNull1 = GetPrim("Null")
ApplyPath oNull1, oCircle1, 1, 100, 2, False, False
CopyAllAnimation2 oNull1, siAnySource, siAllParam, False
' Create a second null, apply a path constraint 
' (no animation), then paste the animation from oNull1
set oNull2 = GetPrim("Null")
ApplyCns "Path", oNull2, oCircle2
PasteAllAnimation oNull2
' show the constraint relation in top view of viewport A
SetValue "Views.ViewA.TopCamera.camvis.*constraint*", True
' Play animation to show that it has been copied


CopyAllAnimation CopyAnimation PasteAnimation CopyAllAnimation2