





FxOperator から入力接続を解除します。


DisconnectFxOp( [Op], [Connection] );


パラメータ タイプ 詳細
Op 文字列または FxOperator 接続する FxOperator のオブジェクト ポインタまたはオブジェクト名

デフォルト値: 現在選択されている値

注: 現在の選択が有効な FxOperator でないと、エラーが発生します。

Connection 文字列 接続インデックスまたは接続名。

注: このインデックスは 1 を基準とするため(0 ではなく 1 で開始されるインデックス)、インデックス値の前後は引用符で囲んでください。 例: "1"、"2"、など

VBScript の例

' This example creates an FxTree, adds and connects the LowPassFilter and 
' HighPassFilter operators to it, and then disconnects them
set oTree = CreateFxTree()
set oSrc = AddFxOp( oTree, "LowPassFilter" )
set oDest = AddFxOp( oTree, "HighPassFilter" )
' This prints out a message that the operator is not connected
checkForCnxs oDest
' Connect the operator (so there is something to disconnect
ConnectFxOp oSrc, oDest, "Input"
' This prints out a list of three operators (Input, Obey Matte, and Output)
checkForCnxs oDest
' Now disconnect the operator
DisconnectFxOp oDest, "Input"
' This prints out a message that the operator is not connected
checkForCnxs oDest
function checkForCnxs( in_operator )
        ' Here you can use the object model 
        ' FxOperator.IsConnected method because the return value
        ' of the ConnectFxOp command is the FxOperator
        if in_operator.IsConnected(0) then
                Application.LogMessage "The " & in_operator.Name _
                        & " operator is connected to these operators:"
                for i = 0 to in_operator.ConnectionCount - 1
                        Application.LogMessage in_operator.GetConnectionName(i)
                Application.LogMessage "The " & in_operator.Name _
                        & " operator is not connected."
        end if
end function
' Output of above script...
' (before connecting the operators):
'INFO : "The HighPassFilter operator is not connected."
' (after connecting the operators):
'INFO : "The HighPassFilter operator is connected to these operators:"
'INFO : "Input"
'INFO : "Obey Matte"
'INFO : "Output"
' (after disconnecting the operators):
'INFO : "The HighPassFilter operator is not connected."