

v9.0 SP1 (2011)


Describes the Softimage attributes (options) of a shader renderer. These attributes are set with the ValueMap object returned by MetaShaderRendererDef.RendererOptions or MetaShaderRendererDef::GetRendererOptions. For example, to set the version of a hardware shader, use siHWShaderVersionAttribute as the attribute name and one of the siHWShaderVersionID values.

Constant Value Description
siHWShaderVersionAttribute HWShaderVersion Attribute used for defining the version of a hardware shader.
siHWShaderForceAttributeUpdate HWShaderForceAttributeUpdate Boolean attribute used by hardware shaders to force a call to the GetAttributeList callback when a shader parameter is updated or a shader port is connected or disconnected in the render tree.
siHWShaderDirtyParameterUpdate HWShaderDirtyParameterUpdate Boolean attribute used by hardware shaders to get the latest parameter updates from the render tree. These parameters can be accessed with the HardwareShaderContext::GetDirtyParameters method from the Execute callback. You can only access the parameters during the next shader evaluation.

Applies To
