





Defines the types of data that can be associated to a ICE node port connection.

Constant Value Description
siICENodeDataBool 1 Boolean.
siICENodeDataLong 2 Long.
siICENodeDataFloat 4 Float.
siICENodeDataVector2 8 2D vector. For the C++ API, this maps to CVector2f.
siICENodeDataVector3 16 3D vector. For the C++ API, this maps to CVector3 or CVector3f. For the object model, this maps to SIVector3.
siICENodeDataVector4 32 4D vector. For the C++ API, this maps to CVector4 or CVector4f.
siICENodeDataQuaternion 64 Quaternion. For the C++ API, this maps to CQuaternion or CQuaternionf. For the object model, this maps to SIQuaternion.
siICENodeDataMatrix33 128 3x3 matrix. For the C++ API, this maps to CMatrix3 or CMatrix3f. For the object model, this maps to SIMatrix3.
siICENodeDataMatrix44 256 4x4 matrix. For the C++ API, this maps to CMatrix4 or CMatrix4f. For the object model, this maps to SIMatrix4.
siICENodeDataColor4 512 RGBA color. For the C++ API, this maps to CColor or CColor4f. For the object model, this maps to Color.
siICENodeDataGeometry 1024 Geometry.
siICENodeDataLocation 2048 Data location. Note: this data type is not available for Custom ICENodes.
siICENodeDataExecute 4096 Execution logic. Note: this data type is not available for Custom ICENodes.
siICENodeDataReference 8192 Reference. Note: this data type is not available for Custom ICENodes.
siICENodeDataRotation 16384 Rotation. For the C++ API, this maps to CRotation or CRotationf. For the object model, this maps to SIRotation.
siICENodeDataShape 32768 Shape. For the C++ API, this maps to CShape. For the object model, this maps to Shape.
siICENodeDataCustomType 65536 Custom data type.
siICENodeDataValue siICENodeDataBool | siICENodeDataLong | siICENodeDataFloat | siICENodeDataVector2 | siICENodeDataVector3 | siICENodeDataVector4 | siICENodeDataQuaternion | siICENodeDataRotation | siICENodeDataMatrix33 | siICENodeDataMatrix44 | siICENodeDataColor4 | siICENodeDataShape | siICENodeDataIcon Value (for internal use).
siICENodeDataString 131072 String type.
siICENodeDataIcon 131072 Icon.
siICENodeDataInterface siICENodeDataGeometry Interface (for internal use).
siICENodeDataMultiComp siICENodeDataVector2 | siICENodeDataVector3 | siICENodeDataVector4 | siICENodeDataQuaternion | siICENodeDataRotation | siICENodeDataMatrix33 | siICENodeDataMatrix44 | siICENodeDataColor4 Multi Comp (for internal use).
siICENodeDataArithmeticSupport siICENodeDataLong | siICENodeDataFloat | siICENodeDataVector2 | siICENodeDataVector3 | siICENodeDataVector4 | siICENodeDataQuaternion | siICENodeDataRotation | siICENodeDataMatrix33 | siICENodeDataMatrix44 Arithmetic Support (for internal use).
siICENodeDataAny siICENodeDataBool | siICENodeDataLong | siICENodeDataFloat | siICENodeDataVector2 | siICENodeDataVector3 | siICENodeDataVector4 | siICENodeDataQuaternion | siICENodeDataRotation | siICENodeDataMatrix33 | siICENodeDataMatrix44 | siICENodeDataColor4 | siICENodeDataShape | siICENodeDataIcon | siICENodeDataGeometry | siICENodeDataLocation | siICENodeDataReference | siICENodeDataExecute Any supported type.

Applies To

ICENodePort.DataType ICEAttribute.DataType