



Reloads the definition and UI layout of an object from its SPDL file. This will fail if object has no associated SPDL file or if the spdl file is not well formed. This method is similar to using the "Refresh" option found on the context menu of Property Page (when Ctrl and Shift keys are held down). Note: It is only necessary to call this method if the SPDL file has changed on disk during a Softimage session. If a Property Page is already inspecting the object it will not be updated until it is closed and reopened.

Any other instance of the same type of object will also be affected.

Scripting Syntax

XSIUtils.Reload( Object );


Parameter Type Description
Object Object An instance of the object to reload, for example a CustomProperty

See Also

XSIUtils.RegisterSPDL XSIUtils.WriteSPDL XSIUtils.UnregisterSPDL DataRepository.GetIdentifier