

Unloads a self-installable plug-in from Softimage. All registered plug-in items are unregistered when a plug-in is unloaded; therefore you will not be able to use these items in Softimage until you reload the plug-in.

Unloaded plug-ins are still part of the XSIApplication.Plugins collection. They can be distinguished from other plug-ins by using the Plugin.Loaded property. An unloaded plug-in always has zero entries in its Plugin.Items collection.

Scripting Syntax

XSIApplication.UnloadPlugin( Plugin, bRemove );


Parameter Type Description
Plugin String The plug-in file name which includes the full path.
bRemove Boolean Option to completely remove the plug-in file from the list of plug-ins that Softimage maintains. This option does not remove the actual plug-in file from the disk, so the plug-in file may be reloaded the next time that Softimage is restarted.


JScript Example

//      This example shows how to define and load a plug-in in Softimage
// README: Copy and paste the example into the script editor 
// and run (F5).
function ExUnLoadPluginDemo()
        // lookup installed plugin
        var oPlugin = Application.Plugins( "XSIApplication.UnLoadPlugin Example" );
        // manually unload plugin
        Application.UnloadPlugin( oPlugin.FileName );
        // The above script logs the following results:
        //INFO : XSIUnloadPlugin called"
        //INFO :        Name: XSIApplication.UnLoadPlugin Example"
        //INFO :        Author: Softimage Co.
        //INFO :        Major: 1
        //INFO :        Minor: 0
        //INFO :        Language: JScript
        //INFO :        Filename: [userpath]\Addons\XSISDKDocExamples\Application\Plugins\ExXSIApplicationUnLoadPlugin.js
        //INFO :        URL: www.softimage.com
        //INFO :        Email: xsi@softimage.com
        //INFO :        Help: 
        //INFO :        OriginPath: [userpath]\Addons\XSISDKDocExamples\Application\Plugins\
        //INFO :        Categories: Doc Example
        //INFO : Loaded: True
function  XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
        in_reg.Name = "XSIApplication.UnLoadPlugin Example";
        in_reg.Author = "Softimage Co."; 
        in_reg.Major = 1;
        in_reg.Minor = 0;
        in_reg.URL = "www.softimage.com"; 
        in_reg.Email = "xsi@softimage.com"; 
        in_reg.Categories = "Doc Example"; 
        return true;
function  XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
        Application.LogMessage( "XSIUnloadPlugin called" );
        Application.LogMessage( "\tName: " + in_reg.Name );
        Application.LogMessage( "\tAuthor: " + in_reg.Author);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tMajor: " + in_reg.Major);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tMinor: " + in_reg.Minor);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tLanguage: " + in_reg.Language);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tURL: " + in_reg.URL);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tEmail: " + in_reg.Email);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tHelp: " + in_reg.Help);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tOriginPath: " + in_reg.OriginPath);
        Application.LogMessage( "\tCategories: " + in_reg.Categories);
// Code to bootstrap example into system
function ExampleSourceCode()
        return "// XSISDK Doc Example\n" +
                XSIUnloadPlugin.toString() + "\n" +
// if we are running from script editor save code to 
// examples addon folder in the user's directory.
if (GetUserPref("ScriptingSessionActive"))
        var ex_name             = "ExXSIApplicationUnLoadPlugin";
        var ex_subfolder        = "Plugins";
        var ex_folder           = "XSISDKDocExamples";
        var ex_langsuffix       = ".js";
        CreateAddonDirectories( InstallationPath(siUserPath), ex_folder );
        var fso = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
        var filename = XSIUtils.BuildPath( 
                ex_name+ex_langsuffix );
        if (!fso.FileExists(filename))
                var f = fso.CreateTextFile ( filename );
                f.write( ExampleSourceCode() );

See Also

XSIApplication.LoadPlugin XSIApplication.Plugins Plugin Plugin.Loaded