



Adds a new workgroup and loads any plug-ins found in the workgroup. This function does nothing if the workgroup is already part of the workgroup list. Softimage will remember the new workgroup as part of the user Preferences.

Scripting Syntax

XSIApplication.AddWorkgroup( WorkgroupPath );


Parameter Type Description
WorkgroupPath String Complete path to root directory of a workgroup.


JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to ask the user for the path to a workgroup and 
        to connect to it.  It uses the XSIApplication.Workgroups property to discover if 
        the workgroup already exists
AddWorkgroupWithUI() ;
function AddWorkgroupWithUI()
        var strTitle = "Connect to Workgroup" ;
        var strHelpText = "Pick the root location of an existing workgroup" ;
        var strDefault = "" ; 
        var strPath = PickFolder( strTitle, strHelpText, strDefault ) ;
        if ( strPath != "" ) {
                aWorkgroups = new VBArray( Application.Workgroups ) ;
                cntWorkgroups = aWorkgroups.ubound( 1 ) + 1
                for ( var i=0 ; i<cntWorkgroups; i++ ) {             
                        var existingWorkgroup = aWorkgroups.getItem( i ) ;
                        if ( existingWorkgroup == strPath ) {
                                XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox( "This workgroup is already in the list" ) ;
                                return ;
                try {
                        Application.AddWorkgroup( strPath ) ;
                } catch( e ) {
                        // Maybe the path isn't valid
                        XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox( "Failed to addworkgroup\n" + e.description ) ;

See Also

XSIApplication.RemoveWorkgroup XSIApplication.Workgroups XSIApplication.RescanWorkgroups XSIApplication.ActivateWorkgroup