

Adds a 3D chain and parents the new chain under this object. A 3D chain has joint properties that can rotate on any axis.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = X3DObject.Add3DChain( [RootPos], [EffectorPos], [ChainNormalPlane], [Name] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
RootPos Either an SIVector3 or an Array The root position of the new chain, in global coordinates.

Default Value: (0,0,0)

EffectorPos Either an SIVector3 or an Array The effector position of the new chain, in global coordinates.

Default Value: (1,0,0)

ChainNormalPlane Either an SIVector3 or an Array The chain's normal to the plane, in global coordinates.

Default Value: (0,0,1)

Name String name of new chain


VBScript Example

NewScene , false
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oChain = oRoot.Add3DChain
oRootPos = Array(0,10,0)
oEffPos = Array(10,10,0)
set oChain = oRoot.Add3DChain( oRootPos, oEffPos )

See Also
