

Returns the 3D object's active Primitive.

Note: Although the scene root is a kind of Model it does not support primitives. In this case this property return Nothing.


1. JScript Example

        This example illustrates how to get the active primitive object from an 
        X3DObject object and how to detect if the object supports primitives.
var cone = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" );
TestPrimitive( cone ) ;
mynull = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull( "MyNull" )
TestPrimitive( mynull ) ;
TestPrimitive( Application.ActiveSceneRoot ) ;
function TestPrimitive( in_obj )
        if ( in_obj.ActivePrimitive != null )
                Application.LogMessage( "\n\t" +
                                "Name: " + in_obj.Name + "\n\t" +
                                "Class: " + Application.ClassName(in_obj) + "\n\t" +
                                "Type: " + in_obj.Type + "\n\t" +
                                "Fullname: " + in_obj.FullName + "\n\t" +
                                "Parent: " + in_obj.Parent.Name ) ;
                Application.LogMessage( in_obj + " does not have a primitive" ) ;
// Expected results:
//INFO : Sphere object's name: sphere
//INFO : 
//      Name: cone
//      Class: X3DObject
//      Type: polymsh
//      Fullname: cone
//      Parent: Scene_Root
//INFO : 
//      Name: MyNull
//      Class: Null
//      Type: null
//      Fullname: MyNull
//      Parent: Scene_Root
//INFO : Scene_Root does not have a primitive

2. Python Example

#       This example illustrates how to get the active primitive object from an 
#       X3DObject object and how to detect if the object supports primitives.
cone = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
if cone.ActivePrimitive :
        Application.LogMessage( "\n\tName: " + cone.Name + "\n\tClass: " +
        Application.ClassName(cone) + "\n\tType: " + cone.Type + "\n\tFullname: " +
        cone.FullName + "\n\tParent: " + cone.Parent.Name )
if not Application.ActiveSceneRoot.ActivePrimitive :
        Application.LogMessage( "The SceneRoot does not have a primitive." )
# Expected results:
#INFO : 
#       Name: cone
#       Class: X3DObject
#       Type: polymsh
#       Fullname: cone
#       Parent: Scene_Root
#INFO : The SceneRoot does not have a primitive.

3. VBScript Example

'       This example illustrates how to get the active primitive object from an 
'       X3DObject object and how to detect if the object supports primitives.
NewScene , false
set cone = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
if TypeName(cone.ActivePrimitive) <> "Nothing" then
        Application.LogMessage vbTab & "Name: " & vbTab & cone.Name, siComment 
        Application.LogMessage vbTab & "Class: " & vbTab & TypeName(cone), siComment 
        Application.LogMessage vbTab & "Type: " & vbTab & cone.Type, siComment 
        Application.LogMessage vbTab & "FullName: " & vbTab & cone.FullName, siComment 
        Application.LogMessage vbTab & "Parent: " & vbTab & cone.Parent.Name, siComment 
end if
if TypeName(Application.ActiveSceneRoot.ActivePrimitive) = "Nothing" then
        Application.LogMessage "The SceneRoot does not have a primitive.", siComment 
end if
' Expected results:
'       Name:   cone
'       Class:  X3DObject
'       Type:   polymsh
'       Fullname:       cone
'       Parent:         Scene_Root
' The SceneRoot does not have a primitive.