

Sets or returns the (i,j)th value (Double) of this 4x4 matrix where i represents the rows and j represents the columns.

| m[0,0] m[0,1] m[0,2] m[0,3] |

| m[1,0] m[1,1] m[1,2] m[1,3] |

| m[2,0] m[2,1] m[2,2] m[2,3] |

| m[3,0] m[3,1] m[3,2] m[3,3] |

Tip: Value is the SIMatrix4 object's default property, which means that you can call the method by just using the parenthesis and leaving out the property name for example m(j,i).


Parameter Type Description
i Integer Specifies the row index.
j Integer Specifies the column index.


VBScript Example

' Create a cube and rotate
NewScene , false
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
Rotate , -84.375, 0, 0, siRelative, 70, siObj, siXYZ
Rotate , 0, -51.75, 0, siRelative, 70, siObj, siXYZ
Rotate , 0, 0, -42.75, siRelative, 70, siObj, siXYZ
Translate , 1.07335099741008, 0.996258472356974, -0.539267618951516, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
Scale , 1.67311411992263, 1, 1, siRelative, siLocal, siObj, siXYZ
Scale , 1, 1, 1.52224371373308, siRelative, siLocal, siObj, siXYZ
' Get the cube from the selection and access its global 
' kinematic state property to get at its global transform
set o = selection(0)
set gks =
set t = gks.transform
set m = xsimath.creatematrix4
t.GetMatrix4 m
Application.LogMessage "matrix4.value(i,j)" & vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m(0,0),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(0,1),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(0,2),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(0,3),3)&"|"& vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m(1,0),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(1,1),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(1,2),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(1,3),3)&"|"& vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m(2,0),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(2,1),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(2,2),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(2,3),3)&"|"& vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m(3,0),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(3,1),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(3,2),3)&" "&FormatNumber(m(3,3),3)&"|"& vbCrLf
m.get m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, m12, m13, m14, m15      
Application.LogMessage "matrix4.get" & vbCrLf & _       
        "|"&FormatNumber(m0,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m1,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m2,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m3,3)&"|"& vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m4,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m5,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m6,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m7,3)&"|"& vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m8,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m9,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m10,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m11,3)&"|"& vbCrLf & _
        "|"&FormatNumber(m12,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m13,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m14,3)&" "&FormatNumber(m15,3)&"|"
'INFO : "matrix4.value(i,j)
'|0.761 -0.703 1.314 0.000|
'|0.640 -0.459 -0.616 0.000|
'|0.942 1.192 0.092 0.000|
'|1.073 0.996 -0.539 1.000|
'INFO : "matrix4.get
'|0.761 -0.703 1.314 0.000|
'|0.640 -0.459 -0.616 0.000|
'|0.942 1.192 0.092 0.000|
'|1.073 0.996 -0.539 1.000|"