Gives the geometry description of the subdivided mesh given the
subdivision rule, the level of subdivision and the discontinuity
angle if used. The geometry data is returned in a one dimension
array and contains the following values:
1) vertices: polygon vertex 2D array (Nx3) of x,y,z values.
2) polygon data: ordered array of polygon definitions, each polygon
is defined by a list of elements, the first element of a polygon
definition must be set with the number of indices for that polygon.
The ordering of vertices must respect a ccw ordering to get out
going normals (right-hand rule). For exampl, an array of polygons
with 4 indices each : {4,0,1,4,3,4,1,2,5,4... }
3) polygon node normal array: 2D array containing the normal x,y,z
values for every polygon node.
4) polygon node for each polygon face: 1D array containing the
number of polygon nodes on each polygon face followed by the
corresponding polygon node index.
5) UVW array: 1D array containing the successive UV cluster
property ClusterProperty
objects, each followed by the corresponding 1D array of UVW values
for each polygon node for that UVW cluster property.
6) color array: 1D array containing the successive vertex color
cluster prop ClusterProperty
objects, each followed by the corresponding 1D array of RGBA values
for each polygon node for that vertex color property.
7) material array: 1D array containing the successive polygon
cluster Material objects, each followed
by the corresponding 1D array of interpolated polygon values of
each polygon cluster.
8) weight array: not supported yet.
9) envelope weight array: not supported yet.
Note: The C++ API equivalent function, PolygonMesh::GetGeometryAccessor,
returns the CGeometryAccessor
object which allows you to get only the data you need, and is
therefore a much more efficient way to access this data.
oArray = PolygonMesh.GetApproximatedMeshAndAttributes( SubdivisionRule, SubdivisionLevel, UseDiscontinuity, DiscontinuityAngle ); |
1-dimensional Array
Parameter | Type | Description |
SubdivisionRule | siSubdivisionRuleType | This parameter contains the subdivision rule to use for the approximation. |
SubdivisionLevel | Long | This parameter contains the subdivision rule to use for the approximation. |
UseDiscontinuity | Boolean | Specified if we want to use the discontinuity angle or not. |
DiscontinuityAngle | Double | Specifies the angle of discontinuity. |
' ' This example illustrates how to create a nem PolygonMesh from an ApproximatedMesh ' and how to carry over the attributes. ' set oCube = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface") set oMaterial = oCube.AddMaterial("Blinn") 'Add Polygon Material and texture set oPolygonCluster = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(siPolygonCluster, ,Array(4)) set oMaterial = oPolygonCluster.AddMaterial("Phong") set oImage = AddImageSource( "$SI_HOME\Data\XSI_SAMPLES\Pictures\jio.jpg" ) set oImageClip = AddImageClip( oImage ) set oPhong = oMaterial.Shaders("Phong") set oColor8Mix1 = oPhong.ambient.connectfromprogid("Softimage.sib_color_8mix.1") set oColor8Mix2 = oPhong.diffuse.connectfromprogid("Softimage.sib_color_8mix.1") set oTex2D = oColor8Mix1.color1.connectfromprogid("Softimage.txt2d-image-explicit.1") call oColor8Mix2.color1.connect(oTex2D) set oTex2D.tex.source = oImageClip 'Add Polygon Material set oPolygonCluster = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(siPolygonCluster,,Array(0,1)) set oMaterial = oPolygonCluster.AddMaterial("Lambert") 'Add UV and VertexColor Properties set oSamplePointCluster = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(siSampledPointCluster) set oUVProp = oSamplePointCluster.AddProperty("Texture Projection") set oRGBAProp = oSamplePointCluster.AddProperty("Vertex Color") set oGApprox = oCube.Properties.Find("geomapprox") oGApprox.Parameters("gapproxmosl").value = 1 MakeLocal oGApprox ApproxVersion( oCube) 'This function will duplicate the approximated version of the if selection.count > 0 then ApproxVersion( selection(0)) else Application.LogMessage "You must select a PolygonMesh" end if 'This function will duplicate the approximated version of the Sub ApproxVersion(in_obj) Dim l_NewMesh Dim l_Parent Dim l_AllInputUVTxtAndCAV Dim l_AllOutputUVTxtAndCAV Dim l_GeometryApproximation Dim l_NewLocalGeometryApproximation Dim l_aVertices Dim l_aPolygonData Dim l_aPolygonNodeNormalArray Dim l_aUVArray Dim l_aColorArray Dim l_aMaterialArray Dim l_LocalProperties Dim l_attribs set l_AllInputUVTxtAndCAV = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection") set l_AllOutputUVTxtAndCAV = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection") 'Check that in_obj is an object if not(IsObject(in_obj)) then Application.LogMessage "The inputed parameter must be a 3D Object." Exit Sub end if if not(in_obj.BelongsTo("3D Object")) then Application.LogMessage "The inputed object must be a 3D Object." Exit Sub end if 'If the object is not a PolygonMesh than exit the function if in_obj.activeprimitive.geometry.type <> "PolygonMesh" then Application.LogMessage in_obj & " has to be a polymesh object" Exit Sub end if set l_GeometryApproximation = in_Obj.Properties.Find("geomapprox") l_attribs = in_obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.GetApproximatedMeshAndAttributes( _ l_GeometryApproximation.Parameters("gapproxmosr").value,_ l_GeometryApproximation.Parameters("gapproxmosl").value,_ l_GeometryApproximation.Parameters("gapproxmoad").value,_ l_GeometryApproximation.Parameters("gapproxmoan").value ) l_aVertices = l_attribs(0) l_aPolygonData = l_attribs(1) l_aPolygonNodeNormalArray = l_attribs(2) l_aPolygonNodePolygonFaceIndexArray = l_attribs(3) l_aPolygonFaceParentPolygonFaceIndexArray = l_attribs(4) l_aUVArray = l_attribs(5) l_aColorArray = l_attribs(6) l_aMaterialArray = l_attribs(7) set l_Parent = in_obj.Parent set l_NewMesh = l_Parent.AddPolygonMesh(l_aVertices,l_aPolygonData) 'Copy local properties set l_LocalProperties = in_obj.LocalProperties for each iLocProp in l_LocalProperties CopyPaste iLocProp,,l_NewMesh,2 next 'If the geometry approximation is a local property we set the subdivision level to '0 as it is the most likely thing users want to do. set l_NewLocalGeometryApproximation = l_NewMesh.LocalProperties.Find("geomapprox") if IsObject(l_NewLocalGeometryApproximation) and TypeName(l_NewLocalGeometryApproximation) <> "Nothing" then l_NewLocalGeometryApproximation.Parameters("gapproxmosl").value = 0 end if 'Add a sample cluster if there's some VertexColors or UVProp if IsArray(l_aUVArray) then i = 0 do while i < ubound(l_aUVArray) set l_Cluster = l_NewMesh.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(siSampledPointCluster) set l_UVProp = l_Cluster.AddProperty("Texture Projection", ,l_aUVArray(i).Name & "_" & l_Cluster.Name) ReDim l_UVPropArray(2,(l_Cluster.Elements.Count - 1)) for j = 0 to l_Cluster.Elements.Count-1 l_UVPropArray(0,j) = l_aUVArray(i+1)(j*3) l_UVPropArray(1,j) = l_aUVArray(i+1)(j*3 + 1) l_UVPropArray(2,j) = l_aUVArray(i+1)(j*3 + 2) next l_UVProp.Elements.Array = l_UVPropArray l_AllInputUVTxtAndCAV.Add l_aUVArray(i) l_AllOutputUVTxtAndCAV.Add l_UVProp i = i+2 Loop end if if IsArray(l_aColorArray) then i = 0 do while i < ubound(l_aColorArray) set l_Cluster = l_NewMesh.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(siSampledPointCluster) set l_ColorProp = l_Cluster.AddProperty("Vertex Color", ,l_aColorArray(i).Name & "_" & l_Cluster.Name) ReDim l_ColorPropArray(3,l_Cluster.Elements.Count - 1) for j = 0 to l_Cluster.Elements.Count-1 l_ColorPropArray(0,j) = l_aColorArray(i+1)(j*4) l_ColorPropArray(1,j) = l_aColorArray(i+1)(j*4 + 1) l_ColorPropArray(2,j) = l_aColorArray(i+1)(j*4 + 2) l_ColorPropArray(3,j) = l_aColorArray(i+1)(j*4 + 3) next l_ColorProp.Elements.Array = l_ColorPropArray l_AllInputUVTxtAndCAV.Add l_aColorArray(i) l_AllOutputUVTxtAndCAV.Add l_ColorProp i = i+2 Loop end if if IsArray(l_aMaterialArray) then Dim l_bEmptyMaterialIndexArray Dim l_CurrentMaterial Dim l_NewMaterial Dim l_NewCluster Dim l_MaxIndex Dim l_MaterialIndexArray Dim l_Material i = 0 do while i < ubound(l_aMaterialArray) set l_NewCluster = l_NewMesh.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(siPolygonCluster, , l_aMaterialArray(i+1)) MakeLocal l_NewCluster.Material CopyPaste l_aMaterialArray(i),,l_NewCluster,2 SIRebindByNameUserData l_NewCluster.Material, l_AllInputUVTxtAndCAV, l_AllOutputUVTxtAndCAV i = i+2 Loop end if 'Rebind the material that may be a local property at object level SIRebindByNameUserData l_NewMesh.Material, l_AllInputUVTxtAndCAV, l_AllOutputUVTxtAndCAV SelectObj l_NewMesh End Sub |