Returns a 1-dimensional Array containing the number of PolygonNodes on each PolygonFace followed by each index PolygonNode ordered within the PolygonFaceCollection. For example, if you have a mesh containing 3 PolygonNodes you might get this array: '4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10'.
NewScene , false ' Create a cube and then slice one of the polygons (to get an irregular # of nodes) set oObject = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface") ApplyTopoOp "SlicePolygons", oObject & ".poly[4]", siUnspecified, siPersistentOperation ' Get the facets on the mesh set oPolygonMesh = oObject.ActivePrimitive.Geometry set oPolygonFaceCollection = oPolygonMesh.Polygons ' Get the node number/index array and loop through the array, printing the info aPolygonNodePolygonFaceIndexArray = oPolygonFaceCollection.PolygonNodePolygonFaceIndexArray i = 0 for each oPolygonFace in oPolygonFaceCollection Application.LogMessage "There are " & aPolygonNodePolygonFaceIndexArray(i) & " PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace " nodecount = aPolygonNodePolygonFaceIndexArray(i) i = i + 1 results = vbTab & "The indices for those PolygonNodes are :" for j = 0 to nodecount-1 results = results & " " & aPolygonNodePolygonFaceIndexArray(i) i = i + 1 next Application.LogMessage results next ' Expected results: 'INFO : There are 5 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 0 1 26 2 3 'INFO : There are 4 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 4 5 6 7 'INFO : There are 4 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 8 9 10 11 'INFO : There are 4 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 12 13 14 15 'INFO : There are 4 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 16 17 24 27 'INFO : There are 5 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 20 21 22 25 23 'INFO : There are 4 PolygonNodes on this PolygonFace 'INFO : The indices for those PolygonNodes are : 18 19 29 28 |