PointCollection.PositionArray operator


Sets or returns the point positions as a 2-dimensional Array, (the first dimension contains the x,y,z values). For non-scripted operators this property can only be set if the object has been frozen.


1. VBScript Example

set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root
set oObj = oRoot.addgeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
FreezeObj oObj
set oGeometry = oObj.activeprimitive.geometry
dGlobalPosY = oObj.Kinematics.global.parameters("posy").value
' get the geometry points in an array of x,y,z values
aPositions = oGeometry.Points.PositionArray
' squish all the points that are below the Y=0 axis
dSquishFactor = 3
for i = LBound(aPositions, 2) to UBound(aPositions, 2)
        ' Compute the point's global Y position.
        dGlobalYPnt = aPositions(1, i) + dGlobalPosY 
        ' If the point is below the Y=0 plane...
        If dGlobalYPnt < 0 Then
                ' Compute the squish factor for the point.
                dSquishPnt = 1.0 - dGlobalYPnt * dSquishFactor
                ' Squish the point.
                aPositions(0, i) = aPositions(0, i) * dSquishFactor
                aPositions(1, i) = - dGlobalPosY
                aPositions(2, i) = aPositions(2, i) * dSquishFactor
        End If  
' set the geometry points using the modified position array
oGeometry.Points.PositionArray = aPositions

2. JScript Example

function TestPointsPositionArray()
LogMessage( "----- Test PointCollection.PositionArray -----" );
var oCube = CreatePrim("Cube", "MeshSurface");
FreezeObj( oCube.name );
LogMessage( "--- current position array ---" );
var aPos = new VBArray(oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.PositionArray);
for (i = 0; i <= aPos.ubound(2); i++) {
LogMessage(i + " " + aPos.getItem(0, i) + " " + aPos.getItem(1, i) + " " + aPos.getItem(2, i));
LogMessage( "--- current position array (1 dim) ---" );
var aPos2 = aPos.toArray();
for (i = 0; i < aPos2.length; i += 3) {
LogMessage(i + " " + aPos2[i] + " " + aPos2[i+1] + " " + aPos2[i+2]);
aPos2[0] = -4;
aPos2[1] = -4;
aPos2[2] = -4;
aPos2[3] = 4;
aPos2[4] = -4;
aPos2[5] = -4;
aPos2[6] = -1;
aPos2[7] = 4;
aPos2[8] = -1;
aPos2[9] = 1;
aPos2[10] = 4;
aPos2[11] = -1;
aPos2[12] = -4;
aPos2[13] = -4;
aPos2[14] = 4;
aPos2[15] = 4;
aPos2[16] = -4;
aPos2[17] = 4;
aPos2[18] = -1;
aPos2[19] = 4;
aPos2[20] = 1;
aPos2[21] = 1;
aPos2[22] = 4;
aPos2[23] = 1;
oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.PositionArray = aPos2;
LogMessage( "--- new position array ---" );
var aPos = new VBArray(oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.PositionArray);
for (i = 0; i <= aPos.ubound(2); i++) {
LogMessage(i + " " + aPos.getItem(0, i) + " " + aPos.getItem(1, i) + " " + aPos.getItem(2, i));
return 0;