

Returns a collection of all source objects within the model. Currently, the only sources available to the model are of type ActionSource, which is a specialized kind of Source object.

Audio and Image sources (which are basically references to audio and image files) are all stored under the Scene container (see Scene.ExternalFiles).

Note: Prior to v6.0, Model sources were also available using this property as a way to manage changes to reference models; however, this functionality is now provided by the Delta system.


JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to find all sources in the scene
        by using the Model.Sources property on every model returned from
        the X3DObject.Models property, given this structure:
            Scene_Root (Model)
                |- Herb (Model)
                |    |- Mixer           (animation clip on null.posx)
                |    |- null            (null.size = FCurve)
                |- Jesse (Model)
                |    |- Mixer           (animation clips on null.scly,null.sclz,null.rotz)
                |    |- null
                |- Sally (Model)
                     |- Mixer           (audio clip)
                     |- grid            (image on its texture projection)
function FindSourcesUnderModel( in_model )
        // We will return a comma-delimited string of the names of all sources found 
        var foundsrcs = "";
        Application.LogMessage( "\n\tSearching " + in_model.FullName + " for sources...", siComment );
        // Loop through the collection of sources found under this model to print the
        // name and add its name to the result string
        if ( in_model.Sources.Count > 0 ) {
                var s = new Enumerator( in_model.Sources );
                for ( ; !s.atEnd(); s.moveNext() ) {
                        var src = s.item();
                        Application.LogMessage( "\t" + src.FullName + " is a " + ClassName(src), siComment );
                        // Shorthand for making sure we don't add an extra comma to the start of the list
                        foundsrcs += ( foundsrcs == "" ) ? src.FullName : "," + src.FullName;
        } else {
                Application.LogMessage( "\tNo sources found on " + in_model.FullName, siComment );
        // Return empty strings too; the caller will handle testing for no data
        return foundsrcs;
// Set up the scene (see end of example for details)
// Search through all models in the scene for sources
var models = new ActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" );
models.AddItems( ActiveSceneRoot.Models(true) );
models.Add( ActiveSceneRoot );
Application.LogMessage( "SEARCHING MODELS: " + models.GetAsText(), siComment );
// Build a collection of sources
var sources = new ActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" );
for ( var m=0; m<models.Count; m++ ) {
        var results = FindSourcesUnderModel( models(m) );
        if ( results != "" ) { 
// Now this source collection contains all sources in the scene,
// regardless of which model they are under
Application.LogMessage( "\nFINAL SCORE: Found " + sources.Count + " sources: ", siComment );
Application.LogMessage( sources.GetAsText(), siComment );
// And just for bonus marks, get the list of external files
var extfiles = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.ExternalFiles;
Application.LogMessage( "\nBONUS: Found " + extfiles.Count + " external file(s)", siComment );
for ( var f=0; f<extfiles.Count; f++ ) {
        Application.LogMessage( "\t" + extfiles(f).ResolvedPath, siComment );
// Expected results:
//SEARCHING MODELS: Herb,Jesse,Sally,Scene_Root
//      Searching Herb for sources...
//      Sources.Herb.Shuffle is a ActionSource
//      Searching Jesse for sources...
//      Sources.Jesse.Zinging is a ActionSource
//      Sources.Jesse.Thwacking is a ActionSource
//      Searching Sally for sources...
//      No sources found on Sally
//      Searching Scene_Root for sources...
//      No sources found on Scene_Root
//FINAL SCORE: Found 3 sources: 
//BONUS: Found 2 external file(s)
//      C:\Program Files\Messenger\ONLINE.WAV
//      <factory_path>\Application\rsrc\noIcon.pic
// Helper function to make this example more readable
function SetTheScene()
        NewScene( null, false );
        // ~~~~ HERB'S SETUP ~~~~ 
        var herb = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel();
        herb.Name = "Herb";
        var obj = herb.AddNull();
        // Make the icon a diamond
        obj.primary_icon = 7;
        // Set up an fcurve on the size of the null
        var keys = new Array( 1, 1,  34, 12,  73, 38 );
        obj.size.AddFCurve2( keys );    
        // Set up another fcurve on the null's position in X
        keys = new Array( 3, 0.5,  22, 1.0,  75, 3.5,  80, -2.0 );
        var fc = obj.posx.AddFCurve2( keys );
        // Store the fcurve on posx as an action source
        herb.AddActionSource( "Shuffle", new Array(obj.posx.FullName), 
                new Array(fc), new Array(true) );
        // ~~~~ JESSE'S SETUP ~~~~ 
        var jess = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel();
        jess.Name = "Jesse";
        obj = jess.AddNull();
        // Create an action source on the null's scaling in Y and Z (fcurves)
        keys = new Array( 5, 1.2,  20, 1.7,  45, 2.0,  90, 2.5 );
        targets = new Array( obj.scly.FullName, obj.sclz.FullName );
        sources = new Array( obj.scly.AddFCurve2(keys), obj.sclz.AddFCurve2(keys) );
        actives = new Array( true, true );
        jess.AddActionSource( "Zinging", targets, sources, actives );
        // Add a rotation source too
        keys = new Array( 6, 0,  36, -30,  99, 0 );
        targets = new Array( obj.rotz.FullName );
        sources = new Array( obj.rotz.AddFCurve2(keys) );
        actives = new Array( true );
        jess.AddActionSource( "Thwacking", targets, sources, actives );
        // ~~~~ SALLY'S SETUP ~~~~ 
        var sal = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel();
        sal.Name = "Sally";
        obj = sal.AddGeometry( "Grid", "MeshSurface" );
        // Create a grid with a texture projection
        ApplyShader( obj, null, null, siUnspecified, siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap );
        CreateProjection( obj, siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "", "Texture_Projection", null, siRelDefault, "" );
        // Applying an image to the texture projection creates an image source
        BlendInTextureLayers( "Image", obj, 1, false, siReplaceAndBlendInPreset, true, true, false, false );
        // Also add an audio source and instantiate it in the mixer
        var aud = ImportAudio( sal, null, "Wavy" );
        AddAudioClip( sal, aud );