Returns all shaders nested under the light, even the ones that are not connected. If no shaders are found, this method returns an empty collection.
oReturn = Light.GetAllShaders(); |
// Create a scene with an object lit by a spotlight var root = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root; var grid = root.AddGeometry( "Grid", "MeshSurface" ); scale( grid, 2, 2, 2, siAbsolute ); var cone = root.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" ); translate(cone, 0, 1.3, 0 ); var light = root.AddLight( "LightSpot", true, "SpotLight" ); ApplyCns( "Position", light.interest, cone ); ApplyCns( "Orientation", light.interest, cone ); translate( light, 4, 6, 4); var strFileName = Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ) + "\\Data\\XSI_SAMPLES\\Pictures\\xsilogo.jpg"; var imageclip = CreateImageClip( strFileName, "XSILogo" ); // Find the first parameter that is texturable and of type color. // This is the shader connection point. var shader_param = null; for ( i=0; i < light.parameters.count; i++ ) { var param = light.parameters(i); var inputtype = light.GetShaderInputType(param.scriptname); if ((param.capabilities & siTexturable) && (inputtype == siColorParameterType )) { shader_param = param; break; } } logmessage( "shader connection point = " + shader_param.fullname ); // set up shader tree if ( shader_param ) { var mix2 = shader_param.ConnectFromProgID("Softimage.sib_color_2mix"); var soft_light = mix2.parameters("base_color").ConnectFromProgID("Softimage.soft_light"); var fast_light_effect = mix2.parameters("color1").ConnectFromProgID("Softimage.Bionic_Light.lit"); fast_light_effect.parameters("Projector_Pic").connect(imageclip); } // Find the soft_light shader var shaders = light.GetAllShaders(); var eShaders = new Enumerator(shaders); // Set up shadows with a softlight. var soft_light_id = String("Softimage.soft_light.1").toLowerCase(); for ( ; !eShaders.atEnd(); eShaders.moveNext() ) { var shader = eShaders.item(); if (shader.progid.toLowerCase() == soft_light_id) { // setup shadows var soft_light = shader; soft_light.parameters("shadow").value = true; soft_light.parameters("factor").value = 0.5; break; } } //INFO : shader connection point = SpotLight.light.LightShader |