

Get the normal of a given 0D2D SubComponent in a given 2D geometry

Scripting Syntax

oBoolean = Geometry2D.SubComponent0D2DNormal( compIdx, subCompIdx, compNor );

Return Value

Boolean True if the normal is valid; otherwise False


Parameter Type Description
compIdx Integer Index of the component

Possible Values:


0 <= compIdx < Number of 2D Component The compIdx must be valid
subCompIdx Integer Index of the subcomponent

Possible Values:


0 <= compIdx < Number of 0D2D SubComponent in the 2D Component The subCompIdx must be valid
compNor SIVector3 Upon return, contains the normal of the (subCompIdx)th 0D2D SubComponent in the (compIdx)th 2D component


VBScript Example

'Create a cube
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
set oSelList = GetValue("SelectionList")
set oItem = oSelList(0)
set oGeometry = oItem.obj
oNb2D = oGeometry.Nb2D
set o2DComponent = oGeometry.Geometry2D
set oNor = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
' Loop on all the 2D Component
for i = 0 to oNb2D - 1
oNb0D2DSubComp = o2DComponent.Nb0D2D( i )
for j = 0 to oNb0D2DSubComp - 1
if o2DComponent.SubComponent0D2DNormal( i, j, oNor ) then
LogMessage "Component [" & i & "] SubComponent [" & j & "] normal : " & oNor.x & " | " & oNor.y & " | " & oNor.z 
end if 

See Also

Geometry2D.SubComponent0D2D Geometry2D.Nb0D2D Geometry2D Geometry_V1.Nb2D SIVector3