

Returns or sets a String value containing the names of the filters displayed in the file browser using the following format: "Description1|ExtensionList1|Description2|ExtensionList2|...|LastDescription|LastExtensionList||"

Note: Elements of the extension list must be separated by a semi-column character (ex: *.bmp;*.pic). The filter list must be terminated by two pipe characters (i.e. || ).


VBScript Example

dim oFileBrowser
set oFileBrowser = XSIUIToolkit.FileBrowser
oFileBrowser.DialogTitle = "Select a file"              ' set the title of the file browser
oFileBrowser.Filter = "Image Files(*.bmp;*.pic;*.jpg)|*.bmp;*.pic;*.jpg|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" ' Allow selection of all files
oFileBrowser.ShowOpen                                                   ' show an open file dialog