

Sets or returns the value of the fcurve key as a Variant. The fcurve key value is returned as follows:

- Standard fcurves: double (VT_R8)

- Raw fcurves: double (VT_R8)

- Integer fcurves: LONG (VT_I4)

- Boolean fcurves: variant bool (VT_BOOL,VARANT_TRUE,VARIANT_FALSE)

Note: If you are setting the key value the value will be clamped within the range defined by the FCurve.LowClamp and the FCurve.HighClamp values.


1. JScript Example

        This example illustrates how to set the key value on a specific key. It also
        provides a demonstration of an alternative way to set an fcurve, by using the
        SaveKey command instead of Parameter.AddFCurveKey (as demonstrated in FCurveKey.Value)
// Create scene with a null with an animated local.posx 
NewScene( null, false );
var n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull();
SaveKey( "null.kine.local.posx", 1, 5.0 );
// Get the fcurve from the local.posx
var posx = n.posx;
var fc = posx.Source;
// Get the first key in the fcurve
var fckey = fc.Keys(0);
// Increment the value of the key by 1
Application.LogMessage( "Before modification: " + fckey.Value );
fckey.Value++;                                          // == fckey.Value = fckey.Value + 1;
Application.LogMessage( "After modification: " + fckey.Value );
// Expected results:
//INFO : Before modification: 5
//INFO : After modification: 6

2. VBScript Example

' This example illustrates how to set the key value on a specific key. It also
' provides a demonstration of an alternative way to set an fcurve, by using the
' SaveKey command instead of Parameter.AddFCurveKey (as demonstrated in FCurveKey.Value)
' Create scene with a null with an animated local.posx 
NewScene , false
set n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
SaveKey "null.kine.local.posx", 1, 5.0 
' Get the fcurve from the local.posx
set posx = n.posx
set fc = posx.Source
' Get the first key in the fcurve
set fckey = fc.Keys(0)
' Increment the value of the key by 1
Application.LogMessage "Before modification: " & fckey.Value 
fckey.Value = fckey.Value + 1
Application.LogMessage "After modification: " & fckey.Value 
' Expected results:
'INFO : Before modification: 5
'INFO : After modification: 6

3. Python Example

# This example illustrates how to set the key value on a specific key. It also
# provides a demonstration of an alternative way to set an fcurve, by using the
# SaveKey command instead of Parameter.AddFCurveKey (as demonstrated in FCurveKey.Value)
# Create scene with a null with an animated local.posx 
Application.NewScene( "", 0 )
n = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()
Application.SaveKey( "null.kine.local.posx", 1, 5.0 )
# Get the fcurve from the local.posx
posx = n.posx
fc = posx.Source
# Get the first key in the fcurve
fckey = fc.Keys(0)
# Increment the value of the key by 1
Application.LogMessage( "Before modification: " + str(fckey.Value) )
fckey.Value = fckey.Value + 1
Application.LogMessage( "After modification: " + str(fckey.Value) ) 
# Expected results:
#INFO : Before modification: 5.0
#INFO : After modification: 6.0